
Duskers on GOG - https://gog.la/deathroombas
THE LIST - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_K3ziSxT9zcUUGCddS4sF1uNJTWHSbOwB1CQX2Rx4Uo
Figured it'd be a good time to finally talk about this game before the Halloween games got roaring!


"Halloween right around the corner"

Man, Marathon really fucked Mandy's concept of time.


You nailed it. I got duskers a few years ago and immediately got sucked into a 12-hour play session, got bored, came back a year later and within an hour remembered why I got bored. There is so much to iterate on here, if the devs make a sequel it could easily turn into an indie darling.


"You can fly to a different solar system, but your PC won't have a taskbar."

Never has someone so perfectly summed up the aesthetic of every Ridley Scott movie.


The DUSKERS universe is the one in which Mandy joined evil one too many times in a row, causing the mold that used to be in Ross Scott's appartment to become sentient and consume all life in the universe.


I really do love how authentic the presentation of game feels. It’s cool but also worryingly panic inducing.


I love this game and totally agree that the one problem I have with this game is the lack of progression. I would love if one of the many scenarios you investigate was actually a main mission (random for each run). So you can still have inconclusive investigations to have the feeling of the unknown. The game can end with finishing the main mission.

Examples being: killing the [REDACTED], traveling to the coordinates of the [REDACTED], or finding a cure for the [REDACTED].


Mandy is just prototyping battle roomba's for his continued conflict with the witches.


"The next game is an RPG where you can talk to the dead."

Ah hell yeah Arcanum time.

Great video as always Mandalore, really excited about Arcanum


You actually named your drones "Haze" and "Briggs". I am 1 minute in and i am waiting for Halligan to appear.


Stopping in the middle of the video to say this. Whenever I get a yellow room I find a green room next to it, make sure to vacate any drones from there, open the door between the two rooms and just
wait for a minute (or more, depending on room size)
If the green room remains green, it means the yellow room is safe. If it suddenly changes into red, then obviously...
Literally only failed me twice in the 50 or so times I've done this

Another way I've found, is to repeatedly open and close the door of an unsure room, and see if something makes the door stuck, but that's only if I've run out of options.


I'm gonna be 100% honest. I'm half expecting this to have secret Marathon lore in it.


This game really reminds me of that short horror story: The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. He heard a knock.


Big fan of the audio and visuals to create an eery sci-fi atmosphere.

The real time strategy console management also looks very interesting, yet simple enough to keep you interested & engaged rather than annoyed. 

I'd gladly try this out purely for the atmosphere. 

Also excited for the upcoming Halloween specials!


Duskers is one of those games I absolutely love, and would kill to see more added to it or another game similar to it. I really feel like it has a lot of untapped potential.


"This game looks like the system I used to order tile in back in retail"

I work retail now and use a system that looks.....suspiciously like that. I was informed it was literally built in DOS in 1993 by one guy to make the old mail ordering more automated and easier for him and the company went ".....yeah, everyone use that now" and then fired that guy so they didn't have to pay him.

It's so old it can't handle the concept of a mouse. If you click on the screen while in it you crash the program for 15+ minutes. I fucking hate it with all my soul....I'm terrified of what even worse program they'll eventually replace it with. I wasn't ready for this level of horror in a Halloween video


When you said "The Void" I got pretty excited. That game is ballbreakingly hard and confusing, but damn is it worth it.


I've been playing Duskers on and off since I was like 12, Mostly off though. The game is the reason I can type the word navigate so fast, but you're right. The story is lacking and the gameplay is repetetive. It holds a special place in my heart though, nearly 50 hours on steam, which doesn't count the probably hundreds of offline hours. Years of popping open my shitty little laptop on the hour long bus ride to school and exploring derelicts. I've never completed the story, or even really tried to do any of the objectives. I just play the game over and over. 

I don't know where I'm going with this. Thanks for showing more people this game. Maybe something will come of it. maybe I'll get more people to talk to about it.


"They got the original and Cataclysm writer, so it could be very good" man that aged like a corpse.


If you want a game like this, try Scavenger SV-4. The presentation is top tier imo. You're on a spaceship above a planet, you can't get any closer because the radiation is already frying you (it's actually killing you). But you wanna find some sick alien artefacts, so you send your janky drone down to the planet instead -- and this is the best part -- you float over to your spaceship's dashboard and seamlessly activate the drone camera and control it around the planet, after launching it to the planet of course. You find artefacts and bring them back on the drone to the spaceship, meanwhile you visit the medbay in an attempt to relieve your radiation sickness. Then take the artefacts you just found, research them, find new parts that maybe be useable on the drone, repeat until your insides are turning into hot soup. It's not exactly like Duskers, but you do man a drone in an inhospitable/dangerous environment. Worth checking out for sure.