
Rolling is just after you sow, not and before


Plow, lime, fertilize, seed, roll, fertalize, harvest.


Step 10 is very important for perfect yield


Swathing actually gives you a 25% yield boost though the combine header that picks up swaths cant have a worker hired on it.


I usually fertilize the first time before seeding, then fertilize number 2 will be much easier to see where I've been


Fertilizer before you cultivate.  Then when you plant with Fertilizer in the planter it's your 2nd stage


Do 1 and 2. Then direct seed with fertilizer as step 3. Then roll and fertilize again. There perfect yield in 5 steps!


Straight after i harvest 
3:lime if needed 
4:plough if needed or cultivate 
7:fertilize again 
8:weed on first growth state 
I dont rock pick its to annoying on big fields


I, in my fs19, first fertilize, then sow with a cultivator at the same time, then fertilize again and harvest 🤷


You could also plant oil seed radish then cultivate that into the soil


1. Mulch
2. Plow  
3. Roll 
4. Lime 
5. Cultivate 
6. Seed 
7. Roll
8. Fertilizer 
9. Skip Month 
10. Fertilizer 
11. Weeder

This is my process I do any suggestions?


I get 97% yield, plow when needed, lime when needed, use direct seeding drill which can fertilize, roll, fertilize again when in first growing stage, de-weed if needed to


Plow, cultivator, rock picker, seeder, roller, lime, fertilizer


For sure. Directly seed, fertilize 2 time, harvest. The 5% from the rolling it s not good


I also set up several beehives near my fields


you have like 3 extra steps there only need to roll after seeding  and you can just get a seeder that fertilizes to do two steps at once.


Combine is mulching if you have loose swath


No you mulch, plow, cultivate, lime, derock, fertilize, seed, roll, fertilize (again), spray herbicide on crops or use weeder


Screw rolling and mulching, lots of work for mot much of an increase


Is rolling necessary to harvest?