I know it's mostly based on the movie from the visuals, but Spencer has the Chris Redfield RE1 vibe down perfectly. The look, shooting stance, how he holds his sidearm up while moving, just nails it.
My 10 year old cousin showed me this song. He knows I’ve been a fan of Resident Evil since I was his age 20 years ago. This song and this band ROCK. That kid steered me right, I’m proud of him lol
When people said this band was an experience, they weren't joking. 5 out of 5 stars.
I love how many cameos there are. James and Chelsea from Dead Meat, Bill Mosley, Ash Costello from New Years Day. This is awesome
Resident + Ice Nine Kills = Pure Bliss
1:35 that zombie turn that references the first zombie encounter from the first game hits so hard after actually playing the game. what an amazing reference to an amazing game
They really made a fucking Resident Evil song. I love these guys
“There is no next level all access denied, ignorance is past tense game over YOU DIED” I’ve dreamed about this song happening 😭😭😭
I love the word play with the lyrics not directly mentioning resident evil, and Umbrella Corporation but still directly mentioning them with the word play. Absolutely genius.
“Are you listening to the whispering? Is it sinking in 'cause it's sickening?” Best lyrics I have heard all year
Umbrella Corp at it again. Also the half red hair person in the beginning reminded me of New years day.
3:18 was the best part. when the blood was oozing out of his mouth. when i tell u that was the most comforting thing i’ve ever watched it was like oml.
1:52 is the precise moment when Spencer decided to flex on how much of a kick ass vocalist he really is.
The production value is absolutely nutty, y’all fucking kill it every time, and having Miss Ash Costello make an appearance? Literally the cherry on top.
The way Spencer licks that knife.. 💜💜 Been a fan for a long time now they never fail to disappoint this song slaps 😁😁
I saw the red and black hair and instantly knew it was ash. Once again, INK is doing an amazing job with the video and song!!
Absolutely love how they synced the breakdown to the mp5 shots.
When Spencer is Literally ALBERT WESKER
Spencer has shown unimaginable talent across these two albums and true dedication with them as well, not even just on the records and music videos but in live performances and conventions.