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What I’m about to say is real and so beautiful . There was a moment that I felt alone. I decided to sit outside and meditate with my eyes closed. Keep in mind that it was very cloudy outside. I prayed to God to reveal himself to me and give me strength, i kept and kept praying to reach out to Him. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a very warm sunshine reached my full body. I can’t describe how grateful I was. While the sun was shining on me, I very much felt and knew God answered my prayer  and was with me. A strong tear came out of my left eye while I was so happy, his warm sun gave me strength and healed me from my thoughts. I thanked God and after thanking him,the sun disappeared. Also after that, the sky again stayed very cloudy as the beginning and the rest of the day. God is real, and I love him. Whoever reads this and whatever you’re going through, know that God is near and hears your cry. God Bless You❤️


God please help heal this country of mine. Dear God we need your help. So much grief, so much violence. We need Your love and peace in our lives. So much stress and anger. Please help heal our country and the world. I pray for everyone going through any type of grief, Loss, change, hunger, anger. Anything. Please help these people.


Pray for my grandson he's in the hospital he needs help in Jesus name we pray amen


Our true freedom is through Jesus Christ. Faith is trusting in God especially in hard situations. That’s what I’m doing. As I struggle to provide for my children since losing my job over declining the vaccine. I have drawn so much closer to God. I declined because I have pre existing health condition Lupus, and heart disease. Unfortunately I was denied my medical/religious exemption by Forsyth Hospital. Ever month is struggling not to end up on the streets with my two boys. But every month God provides! I want to thank you Heavenly Father for sending strangers to help me through my hard situation and helping me and my boys. Both of my sons are autistic so the require a lot out of me. Heavenly Father thank you for encouraging me and giving me strength. Especially because I am a single mother. Even as I continue to struggle, I always remember to keep faith in God, losing my job over declining the vaccine has hurt not just my family but many other families. I’ve been put down for simply sharing my story, it hurts me to the core. But. NO MATTER WHAT, even as I face homelessness with two children. I have Faith that God will continue to provide! He has this far. Thank you Jesus.


Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!!!!!!!


I pray everyone coming to this video looking for comfort and peace is met with the anointing of God. If he is for us then what shall be against us? Our Lord lets us lie down in green pastures . He is the best shepherd. Jesus is Lord . May you all find favor in the eyes of God and find his indescribable peace.


GOD BLESS AMERICA praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Amen 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻


God loves you and he always is with you and loves you so much and forgives you and he protects you in matter what even if you are scared just remember God is with you and loves you, if you are sad and mad,sick,scared, lonely, and other things God is there covers you and your family. just remember everything that I said God bless you people that read this or if you don't if God loves you I love you in Gods name Amen, God bless you❤




This helps me so much 😊


Lord God thank you for protecting  my daughter, healed her and guide her, I know you have a great future for her in Jesus mighty name amen!!!


Sleeping in the sweet arms of Jesus sounds amazing! 💛 He is everything to me! My All! Glory Hallelujah 🔥 God bless you brothers and sisters, may you have a beautiful night of rest in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!🙌❤️🥰🔥🕊️


No more hiding, no more living condemned, feeling unworthy. Go to God with boldness and receive His mercy. It says come boldly to throne. You won’t receive it if you go around thinking, “I don’t deserve it. I’m unworthy; I’m like Zacchaeus. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, done things I’m not proud of.” God is calling your name today. He is saying, “Come down out of that tree; come out of hiding. I want to come to your house. I want to gladly welcome you.” Will you receive His welcome? Will you shake off the guilt, the condemnation, the past, put your shoulders back and see yourself like God sees you: without fault, worthy, righteous?


ONE NATION UNDER GOD praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


My home is in Heaven. I'm just passing through this world.I'm just a visitor in this sinful world. My destination is a better place.


I pray my sweet Lord you will keep me in your Loving arms every day I pray I love you so much Lord Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Jesus we need you. Have mercy on us.