
Integration - Free Formula Sheet:   https://bit.ly/3XCT6oz
Calculus Video Playlists:                  https://www.video-tutor.net/
Full-Length Exam Videos:                https://www.patreon.com/MathScienceTutor


You are literally training the entire next generation of Mathematicians, Physicists, Engineers, Computer Scientists, Doctors, etc. You have gotten me through so many units in high school and uni. Thank you sir


Sir currently I'm on that module on my semester 2. Am about to search for your videos and the notification for this video pops up on my tablet. Thanks very much sir. You have helped me all the way from high school.❤🙏🙏🙏


how an "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY TUTOR" is a good math teacher


good to see you're still uploading! thanks for all the effort with your videos!


Just finished my senior year and I used to benefit from your videos a lot thank youu


I always thought math is difficult but you made it easy 🎉


the video quality gets better and better


i dont even have any math subjects anymore i just listen purely to your voice


He knows everything. He is seriously smart 🎉💪


Always there for us ....Sir


@the organic chemistry tutor we need co function of sin and cos


I can teach her now 😂🎉


Thank you 🙏🏻


Man, what a soothing voice. Question: are we ever getting a face reveal? 👀 Thank you so much btw.




tysm bro


I like it


Those 60 fps 🤤