I enjoyed the narration and cohesive script. Keep up the good work; this channel has only gotten better over time.
When I'm asked, if I've seen Bigfoot?! Hmmm, not Yeti! :P
I enjoyed all the primate moments and their humanlike facial expressions. Maybe Yetis were outcasts because they had Hypertrichosis is a rare disorder that causes abnormal, sometimes excessive, hair growth all over the body.
Great video. It's a shame so many viewers are salty conspiracy theorists instead of people genuinely interested in evolution and Gigantopithecus.
It must be my survival instinct because the bigger i get, the less distance I am willing to travel for food.
It appears to me that a Tremendous amount of body size and features are being build with some teeth and jaws.
Dermal Ridges, Big Foot has them according to Harvey Pratt World Renowned Forensic Specialist. Look him up.
Movies name “Godzilla x Kong The New Empire” “King Kong 2007” “kong skull island”
King Kong (early version with Fay Raye) was the only movie that ever frightened me into nightmares as a child!
The title confused me. “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GREATEST APE” I’m thinking huh? We’re still here
If you could make the excitment music less presented in the video Over all the video is good keep it up 💪
Good video. Thank you. 😎👍
He went to Hollywood and got a movie deal. Currently he’s doing good I heard..he does yoga and karate in the day and drinks like a fish and karaoke at night.
Im not sure that was their intention . To be fair also some content creators might have english as a second or third language so might miss that nuance …..anyways i enjoy your content reyouniverse and appreciate your time spent trying to keep us entertained and informed . Kudos
"Giganto-rangutan-pithecus" woulda been cool.
Patterson Grimlan film lol
you're wrong bout the patterson-gimlin film in 1967 it was recently proven it was not a man in an ape suit because at the time those type of suits didn't show actualy muscle movement or muscles and also ape suits at the time never had female breasts..but otherwise you do have an interesting documentary
What if there once was an ape with a giant mouth? For instance if we only found a tooth or jaw part of a Sabre tooth cat, we may guess it came from a 20 foot cat.