
You always explain very well  means give information in detail thank you bhaiya


Vacation time kitana hota hai


For civil services any clubs are present in vjti ?


I am outside Maharastra student Jee main 78% category Obc-ncl can i get CSE in teir 1 college of Pune or mumbai


Bhaiya aap please you will takingh lectures of 1st year engineering syllabus?


Bro fc verification ke time pe cast change kr skte hai kya plz batado 😢


Sir ive got vit pune civil branch in first cap round should i go for it or try betterment


Cet sathi Kiti years che pyq,s solve krle pahije dada ❤


What was your percentile in CET?


DSE in pune in 70 to 75%
Plz guide


If we have low percentile in cet then will get good college or decent college if otherwise we will wait till spot round?


Nice information sir


Sir can you plzzz suggest me clg at 65 percentile for cap 1 with SC caste??


75 % attendence is compulsory ?


Which college wil get for 70 percentile in pune bhaiya?


Thanks for the information 👍


Aap ki branch electronic kaisi hai 
Difficulty lavel out off 10 ?




Which college can i get in pune cs branch on 81 percentile


Bhai vjti Vacation kitane mahine ka hota hai