I always did love how Ame could just learn Sora’s legendary Idol Drop from scanning a qr code in an alleyway
LMAO Gura discovered her very own devil trigger.
Judgment Players who took Kuroiwa's lethal attack so many times before they found out he has a full revive getting PTSD.
The way she turned into Gawr was so well-executed. From the build up, to that little flash her eyes do at the end of the transformation. Utter brilliance.
Ohhh snap, Gura going red mode
This is not Tiger Drop, this is Ame's"Shark Drop"
Gura turning into Gawr was PEAK. How will Ame deal with her now?
He did exactly what I was thinking once she climbed back up. Turn her Red.
Gura took the asacoco like a champ
Gura took the Watson Concoction she stole from Ame.
That bule to red transition was sick
"NOTE: This is not a mod, it is an Animation" Well then get your ass to work and MAKE IT A MOD, I NEED IT!
Okay. That transformation was amazing. Really shows off what can be done with an animation, as opposed to a mod that has to stick by the limitiations of the game.
That was awesome. I was hoping you’d do Gwar after the adrenaline shot bit.
Time traveling palm strike hitting just as hard as Sora's Idol Drop, also, Gura's scream had me DEAD
赤服モードかと思ったら マジで赤服モードだった かっけぇ
Ame did not sugarcoat it.
She's absorbing the Spar- wait wrong game Happy ANZAC day