
You can say he is happy from within and not from things around him... Reflected in  his face..


summary: patience is the greatest virtue that we must practice in life, the real patience is we can control our emotions by not doing things to harm other people that hurt us


Patience formulas ❤❤❤
1.Understanding Impermenance ..
2.Pain n Suffering is part of life so accept it..
3.Some Things are out of our control..


I'm from Iran, when i feel bad is enough to turn on one of Your videos to get better and escape from all negative feels. So thank you💫❤️


I'm a Buddhist and always proud of this, because always have solutions for every situation.


🙏නමෝ බුද්ධාය!☸️
✨අප හට මහත් අනුකම්පාවෙන් අර්ථයෙන් ධර්මයෙන් අනුශාසනා කරන පිංවත් ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේට මගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා..!🙏☸️🍃🪔
🙏සාදු.. සාදු.. සාදු..🙏
✨පිංවත් ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේට මේ භවයේදීම උතුම් චතුරාර්ය සත්‍ය ධර්මය පරිපුර්ණ වශයෙන්ම අවබෝධ කර ගැනීමට මේ ධර්ම දානමය කුසලය හේතු වාසනා වේවා..!🙏☸️🍃🪔
🙏සාදු.. සාදු.. සාදු..🙏
🙏තෙරුවන් සරණයි පිංවත් ස්වාමීන් වහන්ස..!☸️


අපේ හාමුදුරුවනේ.....❤️🙏❤️ You have change my life. Present day i am more clam and peaceful as i donot get angry about so many things. But there are lot to practice and let go. So i will keep following you. ❤❤❤


💐I have no comment other than to say Hi and that I enjoy listening to you. I'm not a Buddhist but appreciate you guys' good-spirited wisdom.


Patience is one of the greatest virtues that human should have. Difficult to practice but this viewpoint in this video is good and respectable for me
 Thanks for good teaching


Thank you... Thank you so much...
You and the Dhamma you explain have made me who I am today...  If you were not there, I might not be here...
Having Lord Buddha and his teachings is truly a blessing in our lives...
So, let's take advantage of these without even wasting a minute... 
Namo Buddhaya! 🙏🌼✨


Great teaching, this generation needs teacher like you, doing great for humanity


Thank you for showing the world to not harm others or self when angry ❤ 5:40


I'm proud of Buddhist family born ❤ in Bangladesh 🇧🇩.
Congratulations for your 2M Subscribers 💝❤️🎉❤


Patience is a real practice. Its hard when I have to exercise!


Thank you so much Sir. Absolutely what I needed this day. Namo Buddhaya 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for the insight.
I need to practice these. I want to grow older with more patience in my heart. Not bcs of heaven/ hell things.. but bcs it is good for my soul. I think with sosmed etc, people is unconsiously exercising their judgemental side, instead of patience, empathy, and compassion. Thank you again for creating this video.


I took the phone after rude argument with my son. All I need in this moment is patience. 


Respected Teacher, 

Exactly... Patience is one the great quality of human being. It is do practice in the actual situation is not very easy ...but we have to be patient in such kind of crucial situations...We all should believing to impermanence that happened to be in moments in life.. If we did patiency in the correct moment ,sure we will get a lots of pleasure with us... So all should do practice patience in life situations....I start to practicing these facts  in my daily life... Thank you sir...


I also belong to a Buddhist family I always follow Buddhist rules but sometimes I distracted, after watching your videos I learned many things thank you so much 😊 Namo Buddhaye


I Really  admire Buddhists life philosophy