
Misery breeds misery


It’s ironic that almost every OF girl is wearing a cross necklace and says they’re Christian


9 yrs hooking, if your not in law school by now. 

You will never be there.


If this is how they're getting to law school, that explains why the legislative branch is so fucked


That woman has been tricking for nine years, and talking about how she's just doing it to get where she's going...which she says is law school. Okay, if you say so. 🤣🤣🤣


$150 for a quickie with a street girl? Trippy is tripping!


Nobody giving them $150


Pray she makes it to law school


Wouldn’t it be easier to get 2 or 3 jobs at target or McDonald’s instead of trusting literal strangers with your whole body and life? 😢


Very sad! This is what loss of hope looks like. I pray someone will codfish outreach to them and engage them in a real conversation! Where is the Church? The Church should be aggressively outreaching in the community just as much as evil is outreaching. 

The ladies don't even have a 2- year/5-year plan. Once you're in this life for more than 2 years you don't have a real plan! 

They qualify for scholarships based off their experiences in the streets. Go legit and strive for your goals while regaining your dignity and self-respect. No judgement for yesterday but we're each responsible for our choices today! You can make a 180! Pray and take a step towards The Lord and He'll do the rest! ❤❤


that's funny $150.00 😂... come on man..I know a $20 dollar gal when I see one...


"I make good money"... drinkin a capri sun 😂


Who's paying $150 in this economy?? Don't think so. God bless them


She wants to go to Law School…?🧐 
Oh, to find out why she’s been able to openly violate basic laws and make a living doing it…


Law school? 😂 is that how Kamala got status 😂


She wants to go to 'law school'.  The audacity.


$150. for what?..Definitely not for you!!


Imagine Tylor ending up  selling his body here if that lawsuit against Nick doesn’t go his way. 😜


Gross, people are obsessed with sex. I like sex too but people need to chill on the prostitutes and onlyfans stuff


"Not the alley, I don't wanna get jacked" 🤣💀
 Don't do shady shit and you won't have to worry about getting jacked....🤦