Live very close by so maybe I’ll have to pop in and hook a few 😂
Congratulations that's amazing!!
Omg so beautiful 😍
I would love to order your yarn as I’m seeing what quality and beauty it has in it. Can you please send me your link thank you
Gurl I love your tutorials so much🥲🥲 congratulations❤
That’s amazing! Congratulations!👍
Congrats 🤩
That's rlly nice 😊congrats. Love ur yarn❤
omg! I'm so happy for you!!!
How exciting!! 🎉
That is so cool! But also so deserved, the yarn is gorgeous! Congratulations :)
I followed your one tutorial and made one meesh top for my 6 year old niece and she loved it so much 😁 thank u for your wonderful tuts 🩷 Can u plz tell me what type of yarn were those (the purple ones that looks so thin and fuzzy, they showed up at 35 secs of the video ) sry i don't know much as i started crocheting 2 week ago 😅
I know you don’t know me but Congrats girl! You are living my dream!❤️