
The Recyclables - updated podcasts from movies you’ve already done. adding video makes a difference + the categories


The hosting month is a brilliant idea. Please do this.


It's Kate vs Cate- Winslet v Blanchett


Great pod, and a confirmation of you guys doing Before Sunrise later this month. Can’t wait


The Dan Campbell scale is amazing


If van lathan ever gets on a rewatchables ahead of Craig now, we riot.


We need more of these!


I love this podcast. Ive been listening since 2017 when they did "A Few Good Men". Been hooked ever since. Keep it up!


Simmons has spoiled Landman twice in the past 48 hours. Dude is a literal landmine


I don't care what some people say, Bill still has his fastball. Shitting on Letterbox is vintage Sports Guy.



1) Much to Bill’s Chagrin Month is an amazing idea

2) Any Lord of the Rings movie deserves to be podcasted about and would 100% be the most listened to episode ever 😂


Top notch -- every listen. I love you guys!


1:23:16 The Evan Fournier "don't Google this" award.


Drinking out of a cocktail shaker is wild work.


I'm shocked Bill hasn't seen Hot Fuzz, that movie is amazing he'd love it


Out of the Past (‘47) best smoking movie of all time


Re "Hereditary", it's definitely piano wire. In the sequence just before he locks himself in the attic, Peter is startled by a noise, which is Annie overturning the piano to get the wire out. As Peter continues to move around the house, there is a shot of the overturned piano with loose wires sticking out. Ari Aster covered all the damn bases. There are a gazillion little details in "Hereditary" that went right over my head; the "Hereditary - The Complete Guide (Everything Explained)" YouTube video is an absolutely insane watch.


I like this content - good to see Creg too.

Highlander 40yr anniversary in 2026 guys


The Phillip Seymour Hoffman category is the best one


No one from the Ringer podcasts look like how I imagined, except Bill and some of the Midnight Boys.