
From biker gang to biker gang - some nice progress today!

2:38 Kikkeriki!
Mirage 500k, no nap
4:23 goals for today

5:32 gameplay starts,mtalking to Biboo
8:24 coyote and zombie attack
10:35 Fauna joins VC, Calli as well
14:35 Biboo wants to die, going to a quest
17:37 fist vs bird, Fauna wants to die
19:38 doing a quest and quickly failing it
28:32 scary biker gang, turning in her challenges
29:59 they learned how to bike later on, lag, starting a quest
38:32 nerd hats might get crazier, same quest again (after cooldown)
41:45 restarting the quest despawns Fauna's cooking station
49:52 pond water is the best
54:40 Kiara wants more explosions
56:25 Kiara is the master of many things, wondering why the server lags

1:05:57 making the forge faster, treat Frogiwawa nicely, what sham is made of
1:16:19 jumping on the forge and catching fire
1:19:14 pool party with Fauna, bruteforcing things open is the way to go
1:22:48 no crucible for steel
1:28:00 it's dangerous to go alone, saying goodbye to Jenma, Ponma is pon
1:30:45 a pretty sunrise
1:32:43 ISP going crazy
1:39:20 done with shopping, wrenching with Fauna
1:41:52 their chefs are crazy
1:45:10 starting a quest, the zombies want Fauna, pretty green
1:50;12 wrenching a vending machine is not a good idea
1:55:11 zombie rush during the day, Kiara wants to open crates

2:05:58 starting a digging quest, Fauna will be her eyes
2:10:38 spooked by a jumper, they almost dug out their circle
2:20:36 they are questing a lot, 4 skull quest
2:22:16 starting the quest
2:28:24 Ceci arrives
2:35:30 Fauna claiming new land
2:37:58 trader is opening late
2:41:38 armor level 100, her audio changes
2:44:59 Kiara should be able to make minibikes on her own
2:47:29 wondering about the future of 7D2D, scolding Calli for streaming so much, Calli will cook
2:58:52 trying to craft Fauna, making her gloves

3:06:07 tellong the others she is making a minibike, Fauna killing pigs
3:09:26 starting the first minibike craft, she can make a second seat for it
3:12:09 giving Fauna her gloves, screamer in the bushes, hot Fauna
3:20:01 going on a romantic ride with Fauna
3:21:52 racing Ceci
3:24:24 giving Biboo her bike, she is having fun with it
3:28:47 making two more bikes today and probably tomorrow
3:34:02 Biboo and Ceci raid a school, Kiara wants to make a backdoor
3:41:08 fixing their back door
3:45:34 she doesn't need legendary armor yet
3:53:09 she can make a farmer set for Fauna
3:55:43 TakaMori hoping for cute girls (short)
3:59:40 putting spikes near the backdoor, redeeming some advanced challenges

4:01:33 upgrading wood to cobblestone
4:06:05 :_smo: wants attention, they have to end
4:08:46 planning a book raid
4:12:09 they should end, 4 hours feel short
4:14:52 Ceci leaves, Calli as well, giving Biboo her seat
4:16:44 riding with Biboo
4:19:56 they have to log out

4:20:15 productive day, happy to be useful
4:26:06 the first day was overwhelming with too many people, smaller groups are better
4:27:27 Mario Party Jamboree with Shiori, Biboo and Gigi, Kronii buys physical, Mario Party with Kronii, Nerissa and Gigi (Gigi might get kicked)
4:31:20 Tribe Nine sponsorship
4:35:02 rebroadcast of the sad karaoke
4:36:59 her sleep schedule is kill
4:38:57 wondering about the next two 7D2D streams, asking to stream earlier, no EU timeslot
4:41:36 Gigi RPs in discord
4:45:49 talking to an invisible wawa

1:50:45 double sneeze

A bunch of timestamps, hope they are useful!


2:49:23 Kiara..... Thank you 😊


Soon everyones gonna be driving kiara branded minibikes wearing kiara branded armour, nice to see her find her little niche in the team


Kiaras fascination with the overturned motorcycle might be one of the best running sight-gags in this series :_lol:


15:00 The knockback animation will never not be funny:_lol:




The cutest armorer and bike maker in the world :_aww:


Just when i think that you’re cracked at being a team player you go right ahead and go even further than before! :_wow:

You’re truly remarkable and essential member of this team and like in Myth and EN you too are the heart as well :_luv:




I love master crafter Wawa! :_yay::_spark:


The Nerd Biker Gang is rolling out babyyy!!:_yay: It was so fun seeing everyones's reaction to the minibikes:_lol: It's really cool that you ended up being the dedicated blacksmith/mechanic for the group, it's been nice to see you being so helpful and to have all the girls relying on you:_aww: And you're so informed too, you have a lot of game knowledge now thanks to your own YT research, and some help from the chat ehe. Thanks for the stream Kiwawa!🧡 Wish you good sleep tonight and plenty of duct tape tomorrow:_pray:


Wawa armor strong! :_shield::_mgn::_sword: Thanks for the stream, loving this event :_luv:


Amazing job on the questing and crafting of high level gear, and Minibikes for each other member today Wawa:_yay::_yay::_yay: Thank you for your POV of 7D2D!:_luv:


Another fun and comfy stream like always, thanks for the stream Tenchou:_luv:
3:22:24 Finds schön, dass du endlich jemanden gefunden hast, mit dem du dich ab und zu auf Deutsch so richtig ausstauschen und spaß haben kannst:_lol::_lol:


It's nice to see the girls rely on Wawa :_luv: as their dedicated armorer and biker/carparter. Noticeably more moments where everyone as a group related to each other, it's sweet to see


This squad's got a good thing going, especially with you giving armor and weapons to Fauna so she can keep punching everything. And now you've even got wheels! It's been a really fun week watching this and as the final day draws nearer it leaves me hoping there will be another arc like this for EN in the near future.


You've been key to the whole gang's success, without you no one would be so well suited to survive those long fights!! And now you're opening the door to explore even farther than before, this event has been so EXCITING and FUN :_spark::_luv:


Good work with the progress. Nice job on crafting some some stuff and minibikes and so on. Thanks for the Day 5 POV, Tenchou. See you next stream.


You are doing such a good job Wawa, I'm proud of you! :_bokbok: Your final trial will be training yourself to not jump when you get scared lol (each jump eats 1/5th of your stamina)
I'm very excited for the finale tomorrow and for Season 2 whenever that ends up happening! :_daw:


Thank you for the stream, it's always so much fun hearing you. I also buy my games physically.