Never expected a videogame aimed at children to have such an amazing soundtrack
This was the boss I was most hyped for to begin with, because I knew it unlocked magnetic powers and so many things in the game were locked behind magnetic powers. The level was great to begin with, but when I heard this song... Epicness to the max
When I was younger I always took it slow when I was fighting Magneto just to hear this masterpiece
My friends used to think Lego games were for little kids, but then I played this song
Magneto: You leave me no choice. This will be your end. Iron Man: Funny. I was about to say the same thing.
This is my favorite boss music so far from this game! I purposely took longer while playing so I could keep listening to it. :3
Both of Magneto's battle themes are amazing, this is one of reasons why I love X-Men :)
This was my favourite boss fight in the game
NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! this song was badass as well as the quote
They should’ve used this in endgame
The nostalgia from this game and the amazing soundtrack, combined with the anticipation i had for unlocking magneto because he was one of the only characters with magnetic abilities (I'm a completionist) made me love this level the most
Best boss fight. I mean he literally makes a gun then a pan and a few minutes later A GOD DAM CHAINSAW.
This goes beautifully with lightsaber duels.
Fuuuuuuucking best song for lego marvel !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amazing soundtrack marvel
Played this game for the first time in 10 years and this game still needs more appreciation, for a LEGO game it went HARD
Best song on the soundtrack, love that and the lead up song. Made it the favorite stage to play, thanks for putting this up here.
This is so X-Men Days of a Forgotten Past coded
probably my favorite song in any videogame ever