"Bad posture." I always forget about this one. Whenever I see something about posture, I immediately fix it, but always forget to continue with the improved posture...
0:55 1. Suppress emotions (especially anger) 1:32 2. Stress piling up 2:08 3. Negative thoughts 2:39 4. Too much social media 3:12 5. Not being true to yourself 3:39 6. Bad posture
This is my favourite style of animation, i feel like this simple, "chibi" like style of animation goes really well with the narrator's soft voice
✨6 habits that destroy your emotional wellbeing✨ 0:51 suppressing emotions 1:30 letting stress pile up 2:02 constant negative thoughts 2:36 too much social media 3:10 not being true to yourself 3:37 bad posture . I still do a lot of these habits myself, and I'm trying to improve . Thank you for making this video Psych2Go 😊
When you relate to all of them [chuckles] I’m in danger
when you relate to every sign— But one thing– honestly, I don't need to think that I'm failing all the time myself, my parents do that for me. I don't set goals, because I usually set way too high ones and in the end I don't achieve them. But if I do, that'll automatically be my standard, so I'd have nothing to be happy about, if I achieved my standard. I just wrote a French exam, and my father KEEPS ON ASKING WHAT GRADE I GOT. Like damn, stop pressuring me! I told him, I don't know yet, but I guess around B. He said: "A B is bad, try better, you had plenty of time to study. You shouldn't be so lazy in that age, that's not normal. Look at your sister!" Wtf, why is a B bad?! Sorry that I'm not a student with only A+, I know that I can't do anything right, I get to hear that daily, so I didn't forget it, don't worry 🙄 My mom says, I shouldn't keep my standards so low, when I said, that if I happened to get a C by accident, that it wouldn't be the end of the world. Sorry that I wrote so much, I just needed to talk a bit about it, and the internet somehow seems the safest to me, since there aren't many people I know irl...
Are we just gonna ignore how nice the voice sounds? It sounds really gentle and calming
Just remember this everyone: tomorrow is a new day, the sun comes up and goes down like it always does. Don't let the mistakes you made today affect you tomorrow.
The little characters are sooo freakin’ adorable 😍. (Holy CRAP!!!! That’s sooo many more likes and comments than I thought I would get, OMG thank you!!!!!!!!! 😃🤩😆)
I really like how calming these videos are with the chill, cute drawings and how they speak and how the tips are actually helpful. Like, it’s very nice when you usually have many people shouting and being stressed around you and that doesn’t always care that much about mental health.
To the people who comment down the list of timestamps for each sign, thank you. you are always appreciated :)💖💕
I was recently diagnosed with covid and had really had negative thoughts all over. And also I have realised that i have been suppressing my emotions thinking that what others will think about me. watching ur videos helped me to stay calm.
I started crying as soon as you said "are you suppressing your emotions" Guess I needed this. Thankyou.
to anyone who is reading this, take care of yourself both mentally and physically, please i love and care about you so much i hope you have a great day stay strong stay positive stay alive 💞
I've looked at social media so much it's not letting me do my school work and wasting my chances of succeeding. I've been trying so hard to not focus on social media a lot, but I needed this so much ❤❤
Man meets Buddha at his village, says, “I’ve meditated for ten years, I can now walk on water.” Buddha says, “why? The ferry only costs 5 cents.”
4. Too much Social Media Me: Is YouTube Social Media? Google: Yes YouTube is Social Media Me: Crud
Soo just everything I've been doing in this pandemic?? Well I don't know what to do-
I need to fix those habits for real I'm getting really damaged and I know it