I have been following your journey for awhile now. My husband and I have been through 2 IVFs and 1 miscarriage after an IVF procedure. We have since turned to adoption and we feel more hopeful than ever. You are so right about negotiating boundaries during this journey. When we had drawn a line, I found that we were soon moving it. I hope that whichever choice you make brings you peace.
You should know that it does mean much. You've watched from the beginning and that is so important. Thank you for being there for us.
I don't know where the balance lies. Thanks about the veggies. I'm very proud of them. It helps take the mind off of this fertility stuff.
I do not see the pattern. I do not see the shape of this path. I suppose it isn't for us to see. But I wish I knew what was ahead. Thank you for following us on this journey.
I'm considering a short manual to distribute on how to gently nurture those who stare with desolate eyes at the strollers of friends. This isn't an issue of faith, this isn't a fate deserved. This just is and so we struggle. I hope that we can all find comfort somehow.
What you say has real merit and any decision that my wife and I make, we will make together. The issue of the odds is a problem though. If we are successful, we get a child (possibly children). A whole new future, a new life, a dreaming, thinking, laughing bit of the universe to teach and nurture and loose upon the planet. In the face of that, the investment seems worthwhile.
I Know exactly what you mean Cal... Thinken of ya mate, keep us all posted on what you decide.
Hey there Bernard. Im only 15 but i'll gladly give you my opinion on your situation. I think paying $20,000 for a procedure that generally has more of a chance of failing than working is not exactly all that worth it. I know your options are running dry, but $20,000 is alot of money and if things dont go as planned then thats a big loss in more than one way. As for your marriage, I think you and your wife have to both agree on one method, so theres so no going back in the end and no blaming.