
Movie Title: " Sputnik(2020)"


I'd never go near something with a mouth of razor-sharp teeth running down the whole front of it.


In china , these alien became hot chilli soup mukbang


Humans want to pet everything 🤦🏼‍♂️🙄😂


No matter how small aliens are, I would never go near one


Scientists are probably the smartest and dumbest people alive in movies. Oh look an alien maybe I should go in the room and play with it.


If anyone wants a REALLY fun non connected trilogy with this film included then watch these 3 films in this order: Red planet>Life>Sputnik. BUT you must stop the LIFE movie just as the drop pod is crashing to earth but BEFORE it lands in the water, then you start Sputnik, All 3 films work perfectly as a trilogy.


I always love when an alien isn't totally humanoid.


The general should not have interfered when this creature attacked the woman. He needs to allow nature's natural selection to take place and weed out all the dumb dumbs.


That’s prolly some aliens dog.


The first thing I'd try to look for if I ever came in contact with an alien is, "what are their teeth like"? Teeth are the key.  Notice most alien drawings of Greys never bother showing teeth, like they don't have any and that makes them seem less dangerious.


The aliens all look the same in all the films now


Nah he was lowkey chill tryna take a nap with a Russian doll


Assuming a creature is sentient is ALWAYS the problem.. you should just expect its a wild animal and treat it like one... any animal capable of attacking will attack when given the opportunity... doesn't matter how much time a zoo keeper spends with their lions... turn their back it gets ready to pounce... it's instinct.. not random


I love how aliens with the tiniest proportions have stupidly good muscle power. (Okay, i get and respect your point physics nerds.)


This was a slept on movie. This shit was good


Love this film. IMHO the best and most believable alien design/anatomy. 10/10!


Looks like Spezies 8472 from StarTrek


“Hey look! A potentially dangerous alien life form we know absolutely nothing about! LET’S TOUCH IT.”


“If ya sees a little green man ya better not slip!” -Old man rivers 2019