
Hello everyone!  You are watching video: How to Charge any Battery for free With SALT and a MAGNET in a Couple of Minutes! Great Method 
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Wow! Amazing! 🚀 Charging a battery for free using salt and a magnet sounds incredible! If this really works, it could be a creative and useful solution for many people! 🔋⚡🔥


Every time I watch your videos, I learn something new! The way you share knowledge is so lively and easy to remember. Thank you so much!


Hallo ich finde deine Ideen und Einfälle sehr interessant ein Herzliches Dankeschön für die Veröffentlichungen dein hilfreichen Tipps 👍👍👍👍🇩🇪👍👍👍


En ajoutant un deuxième aimant et une prière j'obtiens du 220 volts alternatif et une puissance de 2000 watts !!! Je ne sais comment vous remercier. Continuez vos recherches, je suis impatient.


First of all, thank you. Well, does the battery life last as long as the new battery or does the battery run out in a short time in use?


I have just found your channel. Interesting! I'm watching from Sparta, Tennessee.


Muchas gracias por la información, pero cuántas recargas se pueden hacer con esa solución, gran ahorro y también para el ambiente, desde México un abrazo 🫂🤗 y saludos.


Wonderful, God bless❤


what a genius project, i am very excited about your approach, and will be doing it in the near future


Incredible method! 🔋✨ Charging a battery with salt and a magnet is so clever and useful. Great trick! 👏🔥


when i was a kid i have a solution to put batterys full, how ? put the batteries in boiling water for.. i dont remember maybe 15 minutes, and yes, it works. 
The problem is that the batteries run out of energy very quickly, maybe in an hour or less, i dont remember , already pass 30 years, but i am sure the guy of this channel knows this trick.


Al menos los dos videos q vi, son buenisimos. A parte de genio, sos fisico-quimico? Soy octogenaria, te comento q lo q vi lo pondre en practica y ya lo comparti con mis amistades. GRACIAS. Soy de CABA- ARGENTINA


Je suis de Yamaska  QC Canada 👍👍👍


С помощью соли и нечистой силы....




Слишком затянуто, много лишних, ненужных минут видео. Тема актуальная, народ будет" хавать".Обычное кидалово. Похож на наперсточники из 90х.


Пальчикову батарейку теж можно зарядити сілью, зануривши в воду проколовши в верху, посередині і в низу шилом по одній дирці, занурити на 10 хв.


water or acid in vase ?


gostei muito desse vídeo