How about a Director Draft? The idea is all directors (of theatrically released films) ever are eligible and you draft one of their films. Once a film is drafted, no other films from that director can be taken. Categories could be director-based, not film-based like: Best Director Winners, Under 40, Directed Fewer Than X number of Films, No Longer With Us, etc...
You guys are the best. Thank you so much for all that you do
I always love the Sean/Amanda/CR trifecta! This podcast makes me so happy, thank you
To everyone screaming "THE DEPARTED!!" at their phone don't worry, they get there.
Chris Ryan, Old Spice, a cigarette, who would say no!
LOTR pod lets go! do it!😁
Came here after listening on a flight just so I could see the footage of CR talking about old spice 😂
Sean, never have I felt closer to you than when you said Open Range was fire! 🔥 One of the truly great post-modern westerns. Early Diego, breathtaking Annette, and epic Robert as "Boss" Bluebonnet Spearman.
You know it’s gonna be a good day when there a Big Picture Draft
Absolutely howling at 1:19:08
For the record, it is not crazy to say the Social Network and Inception are close
team grown man still using old spice
CR is right. It's not just him. Cinema has devolved in quality dramatically over the last 20 years.
Amanda definitely won this draft!
"my kathryn bigelow" LMAOOOO
I swear that I think I watched around 20-25 turbotax commercials during this
13:50 Best Picture stat (1997-2004) vs 5 in the last 20 years (2006 The Departed, 2008 Slumdog Millionaire, 2010 The King's Speech, 2012 Argo, 2023 Oppenheimer) 24:30 CR covering the production of Nolan's Odyssey 25:20 Amanda = CR's Kathryn Bigelow 36:15 IT WAS AN ABORTION MICHAEL 37:20 Amanda never invited on The Watch = actor-director conflict 55:25 Chris stanning for Inception vs Social Network hahaha 56:50 CR explains the plot of Inception and does a GREAT job 59:40 Inception > Social Network = AD > Luka trade 1:10:15 CR: ever see Scanners? 1:11:10 CR got laid for the first time wearing Old Spice hahaha, chicks dig: (a) the long ball and (b) Old Spice 1:12:20 CR will sometimes change the Old Spice scent ... Volcano ... Fiji ... throw in tobacco cologne hahahahahaha .... Chris Ryan is ELITE at podcasting 1:17:30 Lord of the Rings talk 1:18:40 Led Zeppelin lyrics
“You ever see Scanners?” / “I got laid for the first time wearing Old Spice…stay in your lane.” Hilarious! CR is the man! 🙌🏼
1:09:18 - 1:13:11 is where the skinfluencer and old spice plug segment comes in. You’re welcome.