For the earrings irritating their ears, getting titanium earrings or even surgical steel would help with the irritation because the metal is hypoallergenic 😊
The eyelash extensions are crazyyyy
a child with eyelash extensions is CRAAAZY
If your daughter can’t do her own hair I don’t think she’s old enough to have eyelash extensions but to each their own !
Why does the child have lash extensions omg
That baby doesn't need eyelash extensions, she's naturally beautiful!!! Please tell all of those little girls that they don't need those to feel beautiful... they're so young for those sorts of things!!!
"Berkeley wanted some dutch brai-" "BERKELEY HAS EYELASH EXTENSIONS?????" Edit: Their vids usually end up in my feed, and i’ve noticed them turn off comments, im sorry if this affected you i didnt mean it in a bad way, I was just shocked.
I don't think fake lashes and heavy mascara is good for a child
A side from the lashes being inappropriate (because in my opinion, children her age should be able to love themselves and not try to hide it up)for children her age, it also has some hazards. The lash glue can get in her eyes and cause infections and kids are even more prone to infections and bacteria in the eye, plus, it can cause itchiness, allergies and children will occasionally rub their eyes, not only ruining mascara but also spread infections. STOP FIGHTING OMG!! I'm just saying my point of view and you arguing is not going to make me or you change any minds so lets just stop and let this comment live bruh 😭😭🤦♀🤦♀
Man, times have really changed. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until i was a teenager! People out here letting little kids wear fake lashes. Kids aren't even kids anymore.
Does your daughter have eyelash extensions?
her natural eyelashes are beautiful! there's no reason a child this young should be so self conscious of the way they look!
I have the same Toothbrush LOL
Oh your daughters’ red hair is GORGEOUS! Especially Berkeley. I would’ve killed to have hair that long and healthy as a child
Does that lil girl have lashes n makeup on.....thats why lil girls be grown nowadays but she's the parent sooo iggg
Be careful with frequent Neosporin use. It can lead to sensitivity issues. If you want to put anything on the post, Vaseline or Aquaphor will do the trick without the risks that come with Neosporin. Ask a Dermatologist. They are not fans of Neosporin.
Burkly is so pretty❤❤