
This dude took his glasses off to close his eyes


The Mr. L music was so perfectly timed, but the Yoshi's New Island Clown music at 12:38 was also funny af


The Mr L music timing was hilarious


The CPU matches and Kirby challenge was the hardest I laughed in awhile I'm glad it got turned into a video:_nairoLUL:
The editors cooked with this one:_nairoLaugh:


3:16 you gotta hold that Mr. L


8:53 nairobrine


The editors stay cookin with these uploads๐ŸคŒ


It's even weirder when you realize he doesn't have hair when he copies Peach & Daisy, only gets their crowns, even though they have models for their hair they could use since the Mii Costumes exist ๐Ÿ’€


8:54 That eye roll was very creepy.


3:16 You can't tell me that Nairo doesn't have a content creator's blessing/curse. ๐Ÿ˜‚ This timing was impeccable.


4:39 the realization after Nairo called it out made me laugh way more than I should've ๐Ÿ˜‚


0:47 Nairo in the gym letting everyone know how many milligrams he just bench pressed despite his dandelion petal-thin arms almost snapping under the weight

6:19 Nairo several minutes later announcing to everyone at the gym how many seconds he lasted on the Stair Master at the lowest speed setting since his Wurmple-thin physique prevents him from building up any form of stamina (heโ€™s too delusional to comprehend that the gym manager Xander is telling him to leave the premises, so he gaslights himself into thinking Xander is gassing him up)

16:33 Nairo in the gymโ€™s restroom dropping a paper towel on his toe, trying his hardest not to scream out in pain since there are other people watching him, but the pain eventually becomes too unbearable


2:10 "I can't STAND fates" that chatter is so real


2:42 the game sakurai REALLY wanted to make

edit: i cant BELIEVE that mr L music started right there that is incredible


He might be touching grass again


14:00 Sakurai presentation ahh DI bro ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™


Rollout 30% damage is INSANE 16:30 I never knew.


Villager pocket kill should be a challenge


yo the editor funny af hes genuinely brainrotted 10:25


That music timing after the corrin loss ๐Ÿ˜‚