The game has many words in Spanish Naranja is orange uva grape; and many Spanish references that’s pretty cool for Spanish speakers 😊
Pokemon Mommy issues and Pokemon Daddy issues 💀
Dang the professors aren’t named after trees😢
I really like Scarlet and all of the exclusives in it, but I prefer Professor Turo and some of the features with violet so I’m stuck on which one to buy
We can discuss for hours which indicators lead use to pick the right version for us: Version exclusive Pokémon, the legendarys, the paradox Pokémon, future or past… But deep down we know the only true question we ask before choosing the version is: Oranges or grapes?
Fun fact the scarlet academy is Spanish for orange
Keep in mind these are the differences that have been announced, there will probably be other version exclusive pokemon
The fact that you’re still responding to and liking comments from a video over a year old just earned my subscription. God bless you and here’s to your future success
I Think ima choose scarlet but I’m giving up the ice cube penguin
The differences are becoming so miniscule that I wish they'd do away with versions. If they sold one game then sold you a whole second game later with a bunch more content I wouldn't even be mad. This bullshit with the dlc being separate for each version is so dumb. I'm even dumber for continuing to buy both versions each time. Just gotta catch 'em all...
Indigo Disk DLC: Scarlet: -Cranidos -A-Vulpix Violet: -Shieldon -A-Sandshrew
I know the Video is over a year old, but i just want to say: In german Prof "Sada" is called "Antiqua" and Turo is called "Futurus". Also the theme he mentioned is easily to see, when you know that "Mirai" in Miraidon stands for "Future" and "Korai" in Koraidon means something like old, but i dont know it exactly
I have found, when using pokemon home you can get all the available pokemon even if you don’t have all the games. I got Salamence into pokemon scarlet when normally, there wouldn’t be Salamence.
Fun fact: pokemon Scarlets paradox pokemon are from the past and pokemon violets paradox pokemon are from the future
The reason the academy names are uva and naranja is because it is based in Spain and uva is Spanish for grape which are violet and naranja is Spanish for orange fruit which are orange/scarlet
I went with violet solely for the Gigachad professor
Armarouge and Ceruledge are not version exclusive. But the items used to evolve Charcadet into them are
I’d go for scarlet as paradox Pokémon are way better, violets paradoxes are just metal clones of other Pokémon.
That motorbike legendary pokemon in Violet is cooler than Scarlet