It's essential to recognize that equipping individuals with financial knowledge is a cornerstone for building sustainable communities and economies. 👍
Powerful message! Actionable, simple and doable. John Hope Bryant is the kind of entrepreneur we need to hear more from. He fully acknowledges the history of racism but he’s also about self accountability, responsibility and action. No excuse making. Taking control of what we can control. Aspire higher. Wonderful message.
This was my first time watching a Forbes interview. Great, engaging exchange.
John Bryant is spitting some serious knowledge. I'm buying his book, if you don't learn you don't earn, if you don't read you won't lead.
My first time hearing of this author. He's speaking the truth that I've been saying for years. But my people we've been conditioned to focus on looking good and rich when we have small money, rather than paying down debt and buying stocks. It's a mental paradigm shift that needs to occur for the message to sink into the masses.
Just purchased this book real time, I really want to be more financial literate, self starter and business successful. And I will become that. Thank you for this content. And stay connected🔌
Jabari truly is special. I’ve dismissed Forbes for a long time - tbh im only here because of Jabari and his charismatically ability to engage in meaningful conversation with his guest.
This was absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much for the segment.
This was a remarkable episode. It's saved in my "Motivational" Playlist
Thank you. We will use this book in our homeschool curriculum. Much appreciated.
You got that right about low self-esteem in the black community. If I wanted to know all the reasons why NOT to open a business or buy a home, all I had to do was talk to somebody in my black community
Thank you for your contribution Mr. Bryant. You have inspired me to change my life with thw little information i have gained from watching you. I can only imagine what the future holds when i sign up to your program. 🙏
Excellent interview. As a 14-year financial advisor/planner...I agree with everything Brother John shared. Unbiased, objective and factual information.
I grew up in the hood. I was the minority in “my version” of growing up. I was completely financially illiterate. I wish information like this presented to me way earlier. I’m glad this is out there. I hope it reaches as far as possible.
Financial Lieracy For All is all that! Essential and life changing information! Great read!
Extremely value-added information!!!👍🏿🙏🏿
I love these 2 black Kings
So super informative. So many great things happening in this space. Keep it coming.
Excellent conversation and wealth of information🙌🏾. Thank you🙏🏽