
Twisted jumpscare and Hoplas screaming 👇🏼
4:33 Jumpscare by Twisted Gigi
4:48 Jumpscare by Twisted Yatta
5:01 Jumpscare by Twisted Yatta x2
5:12 Jumpscare by Twisted Gigi x2
7:07 K!lled by Twisted Gigi x3
7:58 Jumpscare by Twisted Shelly
8:16 K!lled by Twisted Yatta x3
8:31 K!lled by Twisted Gigi x4
8:36 K!lled by Twisted Yatta x4


POV hoplas screaming at every jump scare when 99% the time its just the twisted slapping you



-Hoplas  2025


4:37 is the game name


Qwel getting rid of cool fangame: panik
Qwel getting rid of cool buffs for character: ĄÆÆÆÆÆÆ


Top five scariest jumpscares.. 
numero uno: 
inserts dis game


5:01 “ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ” such  inspiring words 😁😁


Now THIS is what I call a horror game




How did I watch this with a straight face 😭


bro your voice cracked lol 4:37


Dandy's World but it's an actual horror game:


oml im so early- sorry i swear im not one of those ppl but this is so cool! i love seeing u scared ^^ also the fnaf game u were talking abt im pretty sure its security breach


If Danny’s world had jump scares, I would never play that game, but it’s fun jump scares


every hoplas scream in all his vids I had laughing at all of them,this one too😭😭😭


Nice video Hoplas!!❤


they should have objectives like finding lost toons! even with special cutscenes! please tell me if this is a good idea and if you wanna add more ideas!


In my honest opinion, I think that Main toons should have jumpscares for the original game


1:09 Maybe twisted Yatta


Watching Hoplas get jumpscared by a game I tried and failed at is something I didn’t know I needed