I have completed my tech round , how many days it will take to respond?
I had my technical interview in Wipro wilp program a week ago. And they asked me about do I know Cloud and Ai/Ml. But I didn't know. And they didn't ask regarding my resume. So Would I select?
After a Technical Round (TR) interview, how long should one remain logged into the Superset platform before logging out?
I have received svar clearance mail on 11 Mar till i not got the interview. Can you tell me when will i get interview call?
I have completed my SVAR round on the Feb 10th but not received any mail
Bro before attending the svar test it asked me to take photo with id card, as I took photo and submitted and I clicked on next it showed "Photo is not clear" and I selected "proceed and retry" but it didn't retry to take the photo where it directly went for the test. There wont be no issues regarding this right?
Yesterday i received a mail saying that i have completed the voice assessment and also it was showing the next steps. In how many days will i receive the mail for TR?
Bro,I have completed my SVAR round on 23 feb till now i didn't get any update...
What if one of the text cases passes of the both coding questions will they will accept for the next round?
is there two interviews for wipro elite like technical interview and hr interview seperate?
bro i have completed my technical interview on 14 oct and interview was good but still no update.... where i can raise the ticket..? You have any idea about this?
hi bro. recently completed the SVAR on 23rd feb. Will they take two weeks of time to schedule the Technical HR interview?so will i receive the mail before march 9th? and will there be Tech HR + HR or separate?
I have completed hr round in one week back ..when get the result ?
After completing SVAR assessment, I received a mail saying that you cleared the assessment and you will soon have TR and HR. When can I expect the interview. Please respond
I gave my hr interview on oct24 , in superset showing offered for Wipro elite hiring. But I didn’t get letter of intent and interview results mail
Broo actually i got voice clearance mail on oct 7 but till now i didn't mail for technical interview its more than 28 days wat is ur opinion in this am i rejected or wat??😢fully tensed bro
Yesterday I completed online assignment and I didn't get any update from wipro like you have been completed/attended for the test. When can i expect the test result of online assessment ?
I have applied in superset but till now i haven't receive any update about the test can you please guide me
I ve written svar test on 23 rd feb till now didn’t received mail after that did any one got mail who written on 23 rd or just waiting like me pls reply bro what do you think about it