not enough love for tony on this podcast, i genuinely feel like every time he speaks i learn something, such a unique and smart perspective on the game, it feels like he has it figured out a lot better than 99% of people in the community
Rosa is pretty underrated. She has really good tools and does well into some meta-relavent mus.
i think having both strong aggressive and defensive options is really useful. its part of why fox is so strong in melee. he has great frame data and speed but he also can camp very effectively and force opponents to approach, and he can always choose to disengage with his speed. being able to disengage whenever and approach whenever lets you set the pace of the match, which is very strong.
i'm pretty sure distance from the ground contributes to whether you get hard landing lag or not. megaman's short hop is so low that when he fastfalls he doesn't enter hard landing lag. fox gets hard landing lag because his short hop goes higher, even though he is in the air for less time
I think Pit is still severely underrated, as while he doesn’t hard win a lot of matchups, he still does have advantage or even against majority of the game, and the matchups he “loses” aren’t very common and just not even worse than -1. His strengths are above average or generally great imo as well, and I think as soon as you stop thinking of him as a worse Palu/the “worst fundies character (which could or could not be true),” it eliminates the mental roadblock of thinking this character is still mid/bad.
MUs where Lucina is regularly struggling to KO with stray hits at +130%, you may as well be playing Marth. Watching Mr. E not take a stock at 160 with bair from center vs Steve makes me think the "bottom-5 because KO power—Esam" thing isn't a Marth struggle
30:17 listened to Charles say “lab for hours and not get board” as I’m in the lab practicing sh forward ff empty land turnaround forward crawl away into c-stick reverse utilt as Snake
Thank you guys so much for answering my question of ledgetrapping v edguarding. Y’all are so knowledgeable of ultimate and I learned a TON from hearing your responses. Your pods are amazing for the community and thank you for being so involved by asking listeners questions. Can’t wait to ledgetrap tf outta my friends lol. :)
12:38 Tonys supercomputer couln't comprehend all the variables.
Oh gosh, this is gonna be a juicy episode. I'm salvating
Can you guys do an episode of top dual-mail or main+secondary/pocket character pairings? Would love it if that also spanned the topic of how to think about factors that players should consider when composing character pairings, such as matchup spreads, archetype differences, character synergies (like how playing overlapping archetypes with a few key differences might cover different matchups, like playing multiple swordies ie. Spargo/Leo).
This was my favorite episode
Roy And Marth fighting in top of the mountain
I am a firm believer that marth is easily at the top of mid tier, maybe even better if his potential is shown in this game
Mewtwo has never been even slightly optimized. He is a glass cannon generalist with some of the craziest movement, ToD combos galore, and his only downside is being fragile. Official tier list puts him at bottom 15. That is off by at least 30.
I think the most underrated character is Mii Swordfighter. No one knows what that character can or can't do. Add that to the fact that their most common move set is not the best one, very few people truly knows their full capabilities since no one plays them because, well, they're a Mii.
Meta knight is nowhere near the best counterpick character in the game imo. Character is way more demanding than people realize, you sorta need a unique mindset for the character that requires knowledge outside of just fundemental smash.
What video about Smash Ultimate’s disadvantage state would you guys recommend?
I'm not sure what the general consensus on Sephiroth is within top players but I still feel like the character is very underrated still.