
Polymarket odds: 43% chance of Recession in 2025. 

Doubled over the last month. Curious what you're seeing on the ground in the economy. Any signs of a recession?


Tired of the "economy is collapsing!" threat? If you are prepared and well-informed, you can take advantage of similar market opportunities during recessions. I have witnessed people accumulate wealth during economic upheavals and even do so with ease under favorable circumstances. Whenever the economy collapses, someone ends up rich.


You cannot cut your way out of recession you've got to invest your way out of recession, the Conservative party are in the dark ages on policy they've got to think again. My primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about £170k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.


Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to. Start saving, keep saving, and stick to investments. Building wealth involves establishing routines, like consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for smart investments


A recession when your neighbor loses his job , A depression when you lose your job !


I'm thinking to put some cash in stocks, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? 
I’ve been sitting on over $545K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?


The rent is too damn high!


Thank you😊 for this video, do you offer account management or have any recommendations?


It's about time for this bubbles to pop, everything is so distorted everywhere


This looks like the calm before the storm. Prices are high, savings are low, and confidence is shaky—that combo never ends well.


Dude we been in recession for 2 years...at least for middle class. Rich are richer than ever before.


I went back to work in the Medical field two years ago at age 65. Damn glad i kept my Certs up to date.


Recession is inevitable at this point.


Trucking companies have been dropping like flies since the end of 2022.
The rates are garbage in trucking and there no end in sight.
If the classical measurement of recession is two negative quarters I'd say we've been in decline since 2021.
The government numbers are bogus.
Wages are not even close to  keeping up with inflation,the working classes are broke and the new spending bill is going to add 20-36 trillion in new debt in 10 years.
We're headed off a cliff full throttle.


I work for a bank and they stopped hiring full time from last 1.5 years, closed many teams, laid off many, and only hired contractors as needed


I work at a glass plant.  We provide glass for anything construction related.  Windows, shower doors, railings... Anything made of glass.  Our volume is down 25%.   Not sure if its slow at the moment and it will pick up this summer?  But its slow right now....


Cannot wait for a correction in rental prices and home prices.


We are in a recession.  The stock market is not yet reflecting that but history will tell


It’s almost impossible for most of people to buy a house in this economy with these prices. The last 3/4 years the prices have gone up by 200% in some areas of the country


Recession is already here sadly, layoffs just picking up and nobody is hiring.  Thank you for bringing real data, we need more data, less financial "influencers".