I have the 770 that replaced my old and trusty orbi rbk23. 770 has been flawless just like my rbk23 was for over 5 years. I have 1gig down 25 up plan through xfinity and with wireless backhaul I get he full 1.1gig down after being over 40 feet away from the main router in the living room. Even during peak hours full speeds 24/7. I wanted the 960 a few years ago and the price was just stupid. And then the 970 was even worse. OUt of reach for your normal family. Netgear is living in la la land with those stupid prices. But the 770 is better but still over priced imo. Glad I had points through my amazon card so it wasn't as bad of a hit. But Orbi's are built to last. At least in my experience. My first orbi ever which was the original og that released back in 2016 is still going strong at my parents house. Gave it to them when I went to the rbk23 back in 2019. Giving my rbk23 system to my sister / bother in law. Going to be a huge upgrade for them lol
Thanks for the short video. Will you release a longer test video?
Does it support sim card ?
How much is it and how many devices can it handle, and where can I buy it if it's 500 or less maybe 600 will do as well
Is this an advert?weee you given free? Or are you objective and not influenced. I need a Wi-Fi mesh and it is unfair
TP-Link BE11000 is half the price and offers all the same highlights…