Excellent Anchor to communicate common man doubts
Excellent Vishnu for asking those clear questions 👌👌👌 ❤️❤️ And thank you Anand sir for patiently answering it 🙏❤️❤️😊😊
Vishnu's questions are very clever to Anand sir pls continue it will be helpful to us 🎉
பொறுமை முக்கியம், 2008 இல் என்னோட Mutual fund 130000 இல் இருந்து 53000 ஆகிடுச்சு. 2013 வரை Weight panni 2013 இல் 193000 பெற்றயேன்.
தங்கம்+ சீனிவாசன்= தங்க சீனிவாசன்........ நீங்களும் ஜொலிக்கிறீங்க தலைவரே🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂
முதலில் பணத்தை சேமித்து சின்னச்சின்ன FD , NSC போட்டு பின்னர் அதை எடுத்து குடியிருக்க ஒரு வீடு வாங்கவும்... சொந்த வீடு , கார் இருப்பவர்கள் தான் ஸ்டாக்கில் கேம் ஆடலாம்
டிபன் காபி ரேஞ்ச் செலவு செய்தால் கூட அது எங்களால் மறக்கவும் முடியாது தொலைக்கவும் முடியாது😅😅😅😅
மாதா, பிதா, குரு, தெய்வம்... குருவே, இப்ப எல்லாம் மளிகை சாமான் கூட டிபன் காபி ரேஞ்சுல தான் வாங்குறன்..
@vishnu: In yesterday's interview you asked questions to sir on many unnecessary comments. Don't bring the quality of this channel down by doing so. Don't who dislike him will drop such comments always. Will you try to give importance to such things? There are many more important questions to check with Sir..Hope you correct this!
Which shall v go sir? Gold bees vs physical gold? Kindly suggest
I am a new investor. Thank you Anand Sir, your videos are very informative and educative for me🎉
Rate of interest between bond and fixed deposits are usually 1% if you consider aaa bonds still the risk is more. Investment in bonds will never beat inflation for instance if you have 10L invested you might get some 70k as returns on this you need to pay tax and this is would be around 60k, monthly 5k is what you would invest. At that rate to reach 1cr you can calculate
Nice Conversation and the questions from anchor was very good. Please continue the same.
Sir one question as per your concept only gold and bonds constitute huge percentage of portfolio and if we buy in the interest we receive from bonds for equities then loss will also be minimum and the same way gain will also be very minimum it is also almost equal to only gold plus fds.. also the risk you mentioned by govt stopping gold investments and physical gold also have risk ..somebody can steal and lockers can also be stolen by bank anything. So for for everything there is a positive approach and negative approach .. let’s diversify the portfolio by putting 50 percent in fds and 10 to 15 percent in gold and rest in mfs and have a peaceful life by working on skill and having a good job
From anchors : entertainer Kesavan to brother Vinod to professional Vishnu, moneypechu moved from "tiffin kapi" to sappadu now.. !!!
One cannot build wealth by investing in bonds. Only equity will build wealth. Of course, the price you pay for building wealth is volatility and risk. No pain no gain. Inflation will neutralize bond's returns. Equity alone can beat inflation because the stock prices are linked to the company's earnings. If inflation rises the companies will increase prices proportionately. This will also increase its earnings in proportion to inflation, which inturn raises the stock's price in proportion. This is why equity beats inflation. Anand missed this whole point. He is clearly misleading poor investors to make money from commissions in selling bonds.
Nicely he is escaping
முதலீடு செய்ய 2 அல்லது 3 பத்திரங்களின் பெயர்களைக் குறிப்பிடவும்.
Do nothing… Don’t take out the money from mutual fund. Be idle. Not to buy gold again. Wait how the market reacts. If it is followed by everyone it is a new normal. Don’t follow his words… this man wants market further fall. Also, want the gold price to sky rocket… not a good idea. Don’t fell for his words.