Your helper was no novice at yardwork! What a huge relief for this woman it all brought tears from your kindness.
This was amazing. Blessing to the neighbor who pitched in to help.
The neighbor was an awesome guy for helping you with this clean up not many people would have done that he is a great man as well as you sir.
You don't know how nice it is to see a neighbor help on you guys do a clean up. I know there are a good neighbors out there it's just nice finally seeing one of them help. You do an amazing job and I know you appreciate when your work is being recognized and a neighbor actually wants to be a neighbor again
How great a neighbor jumps in and helps awesome
A contrast of two neighbors: Josh, who volunteered his time to help get the back yard cleaned up and help his neighbor out and the guy who was just going to call and complain to the city, but not see if the people living in the house needed help. I would prefer to have neighbors like Josh and not the one who just complains without being helpful. She could probably make some money off the truck cab and bed in her back yard as well as the other truck under the carport. I love the way you do the before and after with the wipe effect rather than a jarring switch between pictures.
Great work. Big shout out to Josh. You made a tremendous difference in that lady’s life
What an A-hole saying he was gonna call the code enforcement on her without even talking to her to find out if he could help, people can be so scummy! As a single working mom who has been where she is, you took so much off that lady's shoulders, you just don't know how much that relieved her stress. Thank you Tucker
What a sweet, kind neighbour passing by in his big white SUV - he was going to call the City, but he didn't. Oh great!! but hats off to the neighbour who came and helped you, now that is the kind of neighbour we all need.
Neighbors helping neighbors 😁
Instead of calling the city knock on the door and have a conversation people are weird
How amazing that Josh the neighbor is helping. People need more neighbors like him. Thank you Josh.
Sad that the one neighbor who threatened to call the city couldn't be helpful like the other neighbor who stepped up to show what being a good neighbor is all about. Great job on this one!! Blessings to you and Josh, who clearly knows what he's doing and the best person to give you assistance!!
As a single mother whose children are now adults, thank you for helping this lady. Being a single parent is no joke. When you have kids in school, bills to pay, housecleaning, jobs to go to, something will always have to come last. There is just not enough of a single parent to go around. I never wanted anything to get out of control, but when I had to choose between feeding my kids and mowing the lawn I would pick my kids. Maybe the city could ask questions and find out the story behind the yard instead of adding to the stress by sending out fines.
You gotta love Josh. He's not afraid of running into a snake when cleaning up the yard. He runs the mower, weed-eater, blower. He gets right after it. Whatever your deal was, he earned every bit of it. TK, you always do great work and my husband and I love watching your videos
The front yard wasn't all that bad just needed to be mowed and all that the backyard was where this transformation really came thru. You and that neighbor did an awesome job!
Josh is exactly the kind of neighbor everyone wants and needs to have nearby! The guy in the truck? Not so much. Thank you for helping this woman, I see great things from your channel, very consistent and caring! You're right up there with Midlife Stockman, doing the right thing and helping people in need!
Tucker and Josh (one of my newest neighbors..that is finally the kind of neighbor everyone hopes for) have been the biggest blessing since I was forced into a horrible situation. And also a big thanks for showing me the true nature of another of my neighbors. It's sad to see so many people commenting judgmental comments when they know nothing at all about my situation. I was brought up being told that if you can't say anything nice, to not say anything at all. Apparently, not everyone was brought up with proper manners. I cannot thank Tucker and Josh enough for all this help. It was truly above and beyond what I was expecting. He was even going to show me how to use my mower, but unfortunately, it won't start. He even tried to jump it many times, to no avail. So completely grateful for this little mower that I can actually use. Yes, being battery powered, it'll take a while to keep up with both the front and back yards, but at least it works. Such a relief! And for those of you mentioning the truck and truck parts.. I'm actually not allowed to do anything with them right now or else I definitely would have already. I've been wanting to get rid of them for so many YEARS. I also have to thank him for being so wonderful with my little future YouTuber. An all-around absolutely amazing person!!
I love that you rake up the grass. I've seen others who don't. It shows your hardwork, pride and EXCELLENCE!!