I lived in Tahoe for years, navigating passes with black ice and blowing snow...I'm surely an amateur when it comes to these. I'll "enjoy" vicariously on YouTube, thank you very much!
---- just gotta love these factual, not dramatized videos ---love the way they show footage shot from and showing tour buses, heavy trucks, and minivans while proclaiming " only cars capable of making it are those with four-wheel drive "
Nicely covered. Have travelled some of the dangerous roads of Ladakh and Himachal. Watching some of these is chilling.
Áll made a long time ago by our ancestors with blood sweat tears and more tears..Working hard and get almost nothing....Squeezed like a lemon by an extremely wealthy and cruel government, like today so. Stay grateful and ..Do not forget them... LOVE to you all.
Cool, that's me at 0:03 and 3:53 ! 😍
Köszönöm a videó készítőjének, hogy láthattam ezt a csodálatos tájat .
I love this guy's channel, I think it is fasinating to learn about amazing places around the world.
A list of No-Go Zones! Incredible that there is video footage.😲
Amazing Video. Total Excellent Done.
800 miles of breathtakingly beautiful highway looks mighty fine on video. Good enough for me.
Thanks for the Informative Video.
take a drink every time the narrator says 'quite literally take your breath away'
Awesome post
It's 2022, I want my Flying Car!~
My anxiety is triggered. I can't imagine having to navigate or deal with these roads. hectic 😩
Great 👍 video thanks
The one that was twice as deep as the grand canyon at 15000 feet looked super gnarly.
16:50 the narrator says that 185 people lost their lives in 2021 on Skipper's Canyon Road, New Zealand. This is false. No one lost their lives on that road in 2021, in fact, there were not even any accidents on that road! That was HALF the road death toll for the entire country of New Zealand that year, when the stats were being collated.
I love your channel, this is my first time seeing it thank you brother it's great 👍 👌 🙌 🙏 ❤️