
His voice is so pleasing to listen to.  I really love this band.


I would love to see a movie with a Powerwolf-made soundtrack. Bonus points if it's about religious Werewolves.


This is officially their best ballad surpassing “where the wild wolves…” which is also an amazing song but this is insanely powerful beyond even that.


That voice  - A loss for the world of classical music is an incredible gain for the metal world.


I'll never forget hearing this song for the first time. It sent shudders down my spine and made the hairs on my neck stand up. I had to stop what I was doing, close my eyes, and just listen. It was one of the most powerful things I've ever felt, I don't know what it is about it but it just resonated with me so much. The way his voice undulates when he cries out "here we stand" is just incredible. I will never tire of listening to this.


Omg, I almost started to cry when he sang how they will wait and they will guard me (and later save). I'm so lost in life, that even imaginary help feels so good. ❤️


My favorite song from the Album.


Makes me want to build a Paladin who is somehow secretly undead but still wishes to work the will of his lord. Brought back against his will, unable to enter a church or even tell anyone of his true name/nature of his existence yet still faithful to his God - he will fight against evil to protect the innocent so long as his body can still walk and wield a sword, ALIVE OR UNDEAD! \m/




До мурашек пробирает! Спасибо, ребята, вы лучшие!


Omg what a voice!!


This band, this song, and his vocal talent are so underrated. This is a masterpiece.


And this is just the "lyrics" video!
This band is just on a whole other level. Beautiful and graceful song.


This dude could sing opera if he wanted to, I've never heard a more powerful and ranged vocalist!


I would literally spend hours listening to Karsten singing the names of the phone book. Every single word he sings is a treat for the ears! :-)


His voice is perfection. First time I heard this I almost had to stop the car. It's so powerful.


This is epic. The best track of this album.


I love Powerwolf😍.Karsten voice is so incredible 🖤🐺😍🔥🤘


We’re watching the Euros and everyone is slightly drunk, but DAMN this man has an amazing voice.


Как много русскоязычных комментариев! Согласен в ними, у вокалиста отличный голос, и песня берёт за душу! Россия, Санкт-Петербург передаёт привет.)