
4:10 Smoking directly into the vent is EVIL


Best channel to have all notifications on for to be honest


Please for the love of god never stop making things


I kinda love that Chief isn’t some deranged psychopathic dictator of his squad by the looks of it. He seems very logic-driven, but he apologizes to Dasher for yelling at her, love that bit of characterization for him


Crazy how they started off as a ps2 cutscene and now we're here 😭😭 PEAK HAS DROPPED!!!


I love the part where krugston says " its kruggin time" and then krugged all over the place


holy shit this was fucking peak, the dasher montage lookes awesome, the music and sound design was great, fucking even dashers new voice actor did so well!!! this was so fucking good and i cant wait for more


New VA for Dasher! They fit quite well👌


3:23 appreciation towards the style changes of the chief as well the slight back and forth of the camera angle thereafter


chief is one hundred percent my favorite character. his design and voice and just attitude in general is the right kind of antagonistic vibe this kind of series needs, in my opinion. Great job, Krug


Got here literally 4 minutes after this dropped. I was hype for Krugston to return!


I love how each dimension has their own art style or difference in animation.
Like the first dimension having way more frames than usual.
Or the second dimension being entirely in a paper cutout style.

Also, I'm absolutely loving this new series! Can't wait to see what amazing creativity you come up with.


6:22 the feet kicking up on the screen absolutely kills me


LETS GO EPISODE TWO‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


I didnt believe my eyes when i saw this in my recommended. Love this series


First of all, new dasher va which is really cool, second of all LETS GOOOOOOO KRUGSTON’S BACK and third of all, chunk is climbing the ranks for my favorite robot character ever


I’m krugging I’m krugging I’m krugging


This was PEAK! And Fruitmasseuse's voice acting was great too!


I love Dasher's new VA and the whole montage at 3:55. This is amazing! I was a little confused at first cause I thought "The Followup" video was from this show, but didn't notice it didn't have an episode counter.


Krugston got real nerves to release this on the same day as Arcane Season 2 Act 1. 
I love it!