
How to make James go to a emotional coma:
Whisper in his ear “Moto Moto likes you”


4 things James is afraid of:

4) YouTube falling apart
3) Fanfic
2) That one scene from Dark Crystal
1) Moto Moto


“And W I L L  S M I T H”



Odd1sOut: "They remade '101 Dalmatians' TWICE"
Cruella: "There's three actually"


And then when a movie actually NEEDS a sequel, it never happens


Did I just watch a 9 minute advertisement for penguins of Madagascar?


“EvEn ThE LiOn KiNg 2, tHaT oNe EmO lIoN wAs KiNdA hAwT”

I’m dead lmao


Nobody tell him about Kung Fu Panda 4 and Megamind 2...


Idk I absolutely love all 3 of the How To Train Your Dragon movies but I did agree with you about a lot of other things

Gotta say though: The scene in the beginning of Madagascar 2, where they’re all in the plane and then it crashes- one of the funniest scenes in any of those movies


"I think the lion is hot"
"Did i s-s-s-s-stuter"

Is that a refference to the lost voice guy


James: * talks about penguins of Madagascar *

Me: Kowalski Analysis


5:29 penguins of Madagascar is my favorite movie of all time


Odd1sOut: uploads 

Giveaway Scammers: opportunity strikes


James: Im not a furry

Also james: any movie  with  human-like animals in is a good movie


TheOdd1sOut: How many sequels have an animated bird as the villain? 

 Me: RIO.


James, you aren’t the only person who likes Penguins of Madadascar.



*remembers crying when private was sacraficing himself to save his friends and the penguins*



Disney: Laughs awkwardly in the background


Sees questionable picture of bowser : "WHAT THE FU....!"
Says he wants an Atlantis or treasure planet live-action: "Ah I see youre a man of culture as well."


You are telling me you don’t like kung fu panda three, THE BEST ONE 4:28