Guru making a highlight video of himself is exaclty what we needed to kick start the year
Guru really stood his base last year
My fav of the year was DCs weight gain exposed. Mans really 5’10 275 lbs. and we ended up at dudes 4’7 750 lbs lmao I loved that meme
Self glaze video goes crazy 🔥
For the cobbled streets of Guruselem
Journalist of the year as far as I'm concerned.
Ten years later we’re gonna be like “people forget man, 2024 was MMA Gurus year”
Piggy went from his parents bedroom to a shed to a mansion. The best MMA YouTuber. Thanks Mason
So basically... Jon's gay, DC's fat, Conor's done, Chandler can't take a joke, Jon's gay, Ariel folded, Nina's a creep, and Schmitty's stoicism finally broke. 2024 was wild
OMG the timing is perfect. I'm sitting in a fookin hospital and bored out the mind. Thank You my Pigga
This felt like the year Guru really became a mainstream mma figure and not just the boogeyman only a couple fighters knew
The john jones gay series really does rival trilogies such as star wars and lord of the rings... emmy award winning stuff
A year of watching and i still cant decide if im gona subscribe
HEY FELLAS was my highlight
you know, he objectively isn’t wrong about the Jon Jones vid. it’s now become common knowledge in the MMA community that the literal GOAT of the sport is a closeted homosexual 😂😂😂
Streets needed this
Streaming this onto the TV inside my local pub currently
Chandler is absolutely a creep for sure. Nina is nothing but a four letter word and not worth the words. Jones is a closet didler for sure and to top it off, Guru you make the MMA community much more entertaining. Well done!!
It should be stated that most youtubers doing 25+ minute videos usually get way less views. Props for keeping 30+ minute videos entertaining and still getting some break through videos outside the usual community.