As an Indian I feel pity at the kind of humour....I am laughing at the silliness of their humour 😅
They are mocking Indians as if all Indians are only Sikhs. I'm not a Sikh myself but I can say that Indian Sikhs are some of the most coolest people in Earth. Many of them are also settled in Western countries and they help unconditionally any people irrespective of their religion, wealth, nationality and offer free food for everyone in their places of worship called Gurudwaras.
I'm Indian, my husband is Chinese-Canadian and his parents who have been in Canada for more than 25 yrs definitely view me and my culture this way. How do you teach adults such a basic concept as 'respect others and their culture'?
If China wanted to mock India they should have used their cringe over dramatic cuts 😂
We all from India love your show ❤️❤️❤️.. Very informative and gives correct idea about China 🙏🏻
Shouldn't the ccp be classified as a terrorist organization ?
Man, so much of this fake chip story hits me close to home. As a PCB designer, I've worked on boards that were based on, copied from, or inspired by other boards. I know the difference between them. Those CPUs are not just close, they are identical. I don't even believe they're reverse engineered. It takes a hell of a lot of work to get the traces and vias and silkscreen in the exact same place. And even on highly sensitive boards, the majority of traces will work fine even if they're routed completely differently. I can't imagine they'd spend the time making it picture perfect if they weren't trying to pass it off as the real deal. But when we got to the counterfeits found in the wild, that really gave me goosebumps. I know people who work on ejector seats, they take safety extremely seriously. But I also know people at Atmel. Given what I've heard of the corporate culture of cost cutting, I'm astonished they were let anywhere near the defense sector. I wouldn't trust them with a battery charger, let alone critical safety equipment. It's no surprise that they were involved in this fraud. The note about conformal coating really shocked me, though. It isn't something that gets put on a chip before you solder it down. It's something applied to the whole board after all the chips are put on it (usually to protect the board from the atmosphere, or sometimes vice versa). If the conformal coating is missing from certain chips, it means that someone altered the PCB after it was manufactured. That's really wild, and it smacks of complicity from within the Air Force. Maybe it's maintenance crews replacing failed parts, but that work ought to be recertified to new board standards before putting someone's life on the line. Conformal coating and all.
“Does this car recognize humans?” “Yes. It targets them.”
I remember 30 years ago the big problem was counterfeit bolts and other structural hardware coming from China. There was a mad race to secure that supply chain from fakes.
Fun fact *There is no Indian dish called -CURRy. Curry was a dish given named to every dish which was having sause by Britishers.
The Sikhs are living all over the western word and they always hold political positions, have businesses, and easily assimilate while holding their beliefs. They are some of the coolest people I’ve met
I would not be surprised if the Chinese P3 CPU chip is actually sourced from a big pile of scrapped computers in Vietnam or Indonesia. The Chinese value-added effort consists of the wiping of the original identification and logos and substitution of the new ID and logos.
China Can't have a clean room to make Chips... They'd have to import air from Taiwan. LOL
:_Milkdog: Timestamps for ADV 160 0:28 - "What's New?" - Saboteurs & Bandits in Inner Mongolia Guanxi, no good will 7:50 - Cemented sit-in protests and extortion 10:26 - Lost Generation Psychedelic Music Meme ...Ganbei, the "cool" uncle 14:45 - Jay Sharon ....microwave with new Sarah AI 5G 16:50 - Athletic Greens 19:37 - "Soft Power Hour" ...China's Counterfeit Chips, and "The Thousand Talents Program". 22:25 - Huawei's EV Vehicular Assault System ....self driving cars could never function in China's traffic 24:30 - PowerLeader? Really? ....China blatantly steals intel chips to project the perception of being self-sufficient 35:35 - Man Caught Smuggling 48 CPU's in his shoes 41:00 - A shill plays a "5G videogame" ....he seems really excited over nothing. - Counterfeit Chips from China KIA a USAF Pilot ....the risk extends to commercial airlines 47:50 - Investigation into faulty Chips from Shenzhen 53:53 - "Wumao Corner" - Chinese thinktank "With no connections to the CCP" ....advocates for war crimes and human rights abuses, while making threats 1:09:40 - "World View" - Badiucao exposes a student abroad example of why the TGTM is so important 1:15:45 - Jingoism on parade ....Keep an eye on Bryan Wan? 1:18:12 - Canadian politician, Michael Chong, harrassed by the CCP for supporting Uyghurs ....CCP influence campaign exposed; diplomat expelled 1:29:55 - Mao Ning Sickness ....diplomatic tit-for-tat 1:32:38 - Is China racist? ....police use viral video for a Public Service Announcement 1:35:45 - Made in China helmet culture 1:38:05 - Little Apple ....Mixed rice is racist ....Hitchhiking is racist 1:48:15 - "Yam Cha"
41:26 The game is called: Need For Speed Rivals, released in 2013. I played the hell out of it when it came out and recognised the bridge construction environment immediately. I am pretty accustomed to this kind of bs coming form CCP, but I am still in disbelief that they would just take footage from a 10 year old game and just slap the '5G' label on it. Its hard to grasp this degree of idiocy.
I am from a very poverty stricken region of India called Bihar. Though I was fortunate not to face the extreme poverty in my family but I experienced it first hand in the society throughout my adulthood. What the outside world wrongly extrapolates about India is that since we do not have freedom of sex(arranged marriage, caste, etc.) and almost no degree of financial freedom for most of the population, they must be repressed and do not have freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is so abstractly woven thickly in our society so much so that some areas are very popular just for being brutally honest or being over sarcastic or just not listening to anybody and saying whatever comes first in their mouth. This phenomenon is mirrored by our successful film industry which without large budget, just by sheer quantity, manages to have a foothold in the world. These Chinese content can only survive in a closed protected ecosystem. If it comes to the doorstep of India, we will annihilate them with just our black bears(small content creators), with our tigers just watching from above.
AGHHH! That hurt.. I was literally playing Tears of the Kingdom while Winston made that Zelda jab XD
I can imagine the level of corruption in the PLA!
The best thing that the public did was ignore this video. Also , tik tok is banned and the ban was supported, it clearly shows how much the Indian public cares about the Chinese culture