
I agree with how this man presents the situation of phobias. It’s ridiculous. It’s like taking away free thought or individual belief systems.


I have literally just come from a video of an Islamic preacher (citing hadith) concluding that music is haram because it "distracts you from the prescence of allah". Almost an entire comment section were perfectly on board with that idea. Think of that! 🤯


No it's not Islamophobic to not accept Islam, you have freedom of choice.


A representative democracy can't work if you can't criticize others' beliefs and especially practices.


It not that we SHOULD embrace a particular religion itself, we SHOULD all embrace that a some higher power created us.
To divide us into boxes and groups only sets out to destroy one and other.


That’s exactly how I feel about all forms of religion.


Where did Allah himself say I am God in the Quran?


Why can’t we poorly evolved but relatively intelligent earth creatures dispense with the superstitious nonsense that is all religion?
We have had about 3000 religions and about 1000 gods in our history. When will the God or Gods  delusion ever cease?😢Faith….. belief without reason.


Peter Hitchens will someday out Peter Hitchens himself by his Contrarianism.


For people who believe in a bunch of sky wizards I am surprised the words "rational thought" even made an appearance in this clip.