
You said a lot of times in this video that the meta is becoming punish oriented and I agree, you get punished a lot harder nowadays. Unsafe move on shield? Can be punished by footstool options. Went offstage? Can be punished with a brutal ledge trap. Tried to run a tournament? Punished by Nintendo's legal team.


3:10 Low key, I think the best buff ICs got was the change they made to up b where it now allows Nana to sync with Popo for up b even if Nana is in special fall. This basically allowed Ice Climbers players to save Nana in situations where they previously couldn't before and made it less punishing on the player if Nana's CPU used up b in a stupid way while recovering. A good chunk of playing ICs is playing around the mechanics that actively screw you over, and this made it a decent amount easier.


Steve can also be considered a notable contender for most improved character. When the character first came out, players were initially very mixed on the character, and while he was hated in online tournaments early on due to Minecart in input delay, he was only considered high tier at best, and it took this character a very long time to develop to the monster he is.
The key thing is that Steve players optimized the crap out of Create Block, with them discovering that building walls of blocks is a very viable strategy to utilize, and certain block placements can disproportionally help his setups and survivability. Further advancements to Steve tech further pushed the character to ridiculous territory. Most of the stuff discovered is definitely unintended by the developers (he is easily the most complex character to implement into the game), but the thing is by the time all of this was discovered, it had already been over 1.5 years since he released and half a year after the final balance patch, meaning that all his busted tech survived past updates due to how ridiculously long it took to find them.


Good video dude. It is insane just how much the opinions of GandW and sonic have changed as the meta developed


I wish Sonic's Fair was that front flip kick


Seeing that early tier list with Samus and Pac-Man as low tiers makes me surprised to not see them mentioned in this video.


I have an idea for some of your videos. You could always revisit characters based on how the meta shifts. For example: if we see a spike in Joker, Falco or Sephiroth users, you could jump in on why that is and *why everyone plays them now*.

But we still have so many why no one plays level characters to explore: Duck Hunt, Villager/Isabelle, Little Mac and Pichu.

And why everyone plays: Mario, Lucina, etc.


Your videos make me anticipate Friday every week, thanks Vars 😁


This video tells me that we need a new version update


Sadly were not getting version updates, and now not even getting tournaments anymore, which is sad, and even though sakurai didnt want smash to be this competitive, he must be sad to see his work dying in flames cause Nintendo dosent care


My smash coach Ramses says that when you pay attention to sonix he does side h spin dash to camp and when he does down b spin charge he’s looking for whiffs or bad movement options to whiff punish. 

I think if you really slow it down sonix is being very reactive he isn’t just turning no off his brain and spin dashing


I think Sonic's improvement is mainly due to Sonix playing him. Like you said he barely changed at all since 1.0. Since there is only Sonix as a top level sonic main , of course the average level of the player base in tournaments is ginormous. But there's a huge gap between Sonix and the others, so i don't really think Sonic is top 2. It's not the character that changed, but a very good player showing what he's capable of, just like Amsa and Yoshi.


I've been around FGC eports so much I just tune out "complaints" about characters being too strong/weak until we're at least 1 year meta in. Some stuff needs to develop before we realize how good/bad a character REALLY is


How Game & Watch isn't commonly considered as a top tier genuinely baffles me and I'm glad to finally hear someone else say it so I don't feel like I'm crazy for thinking it.


If you ever need IC footage that isn’t BigD, check out my boy Dtier. He’s an upcoming IC’s player from CenCal and he’s getting real good. His gameplay will speak for itself


I just wanna say, public opinion on steve shifted from mid/lower mid tier at best to uncontested best in the game


A video i would really like to see is talking about Donkey Kong. Mainly, i want hear about your thoughts on his gameplay.


another banger vars!


Another W video. Quick suggestion : Why No One Plays Pichu?


12:07 GnW is absolutely Top 3 along with Steve and Sonic. 
Character can mash to win while having no disadvantage state thanks to his moves having almost no End Lag and UpB, which also grants him the best punish game. GnW's only "weakness" is weight while having some of the best moves in the game.