
My Portfolio:
Natco: -40.48%
Tata_M: -28.12%
KTKbank: -21.31%
Southbank: -10.2%
IDFC: -16.05%

Ive started my journey from last March.

Posted here, just to motivate someone who is in the same state(Red) as me!! πŸ™‚
I believe... One day this negative sign of all these percentage turns into postive sign... Until I'll keep on putting in tiffen coffe... within my affordable range.... πŸŽ‰

Thank you Mr.Vinod sir, and Anand sir 😊


I'm thinking to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio. I'm seeking to invest $380K across several stock markets but don't know where to start


Truth: stocks not un the list are staying strong in this turmoil HDFC BANK, BAJAJ TWINS, COLGATE, HINDUNILEVET, ITC, M&M,


There you are... Vinodh sir. What a great video... Thank you so much


Thank you for this video..!
It was like a quick review what to consider and not…!
Got better clarity


Hi vinodh..very impressive in this kinda of rapid fire and bullet points... about pattas list ❀


Very very sober and quite interesting and valuable video. At this juncture if one follows your advice on this video he is going to be a Victor for sure. 
Thanks VinodπŸŽ‰


πŸ‘ Editing superb πŸ‘Œ


Thank you for this video sirπŸŽ‰


Great  Vinoth sirrrrr β€β€β€β€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Thank You for the enlightenment and another quality video πŸ™


Thanks Bro....Patience ,  persistent & Tenacity are the need of the hour. Anytime  FIIs will enter and take U turn.  All we need now is wait and watch... buy at Tiffin,  β˜•οΈ β˜•οΈ β˜•οΈ  ranges πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Thanks for your time 😊




You and Anand keep on talking about your list. Pattasu Balu. But, where is the list. Keep displaying it. Is it a secret?


Thank you bro ❀❀❀ petronet lng looks in considerable price. Also i can see lots of AMC stocks are in low price.


Great touch with you mr vinodh sir you speaking very well to  your suitable video ❀❀❀❀


Neat, clean & delivery 
Well said


This video is highly appreciated, Thanks.

Many new investors will be much more cautious now
It would be great if you can share what are all the shares that still remains in the list to research and consider.


Today's video very short and script.  We looking this kind of videos from you Mr. Vinoth..