My theory is each of the 3 dragons has a piece, and they draconified to keep the pieces safe. They are called the 'keepers of the springs'. It would explain why Zelda prayed to each spring, to borrow power from each dragon.
Why is the triforce missing? Link cooked it. Question answered.
One thing I noticed while reviewing the dragon tear memories: During the memory where they're fighting the Molduga that Ganondorf and the Gerudo sent at them, Rauru's magic attack briefly takes on the form of the Triforce before glowing brightly and turning into a beam of energy. So, there's one other appearance, in some indirect way or other, that it appeared.
At the end of Skyward Sword, Impa states that, "Depending on its might is an invitation to disaster. Once it has served it's purpose, it must be sealed away. Away from human history." That can be evidence that the Triforce was indeed falling into legend
There's a rumor that BOTW and TOTK are the first two parts of a trilogy. They point out that each of the Golden Goddesses that created the Triforce are associated with a particular color; Din with red, Nayru with blue, and Farore with green. Blue is the predominant color for BOTW and green is the same for TOTK, so the third game would have red as its predominant color. If that's true, maybe we'll see a reemergence of the Triforce in the third game. Hell, it's even possible that the Triforce could be the source of the sealing power both Rauru and Zelda have. Possibly even the source of all the powers that are amplified by Zonai Secret Stones (which are shaped suspiciously like the Amber and Dark Relics from Skyward Sword).
10:59 I think Zelda already has the full triforce, as all the pieces glow in her hand in BOTW. Also in this exact shot you can see her right hand again glowing while fixing the master sword, not her recall tear necklace but her hand where the Triforce should be. I am even pretty sure you can see the triangle shape if you look close, her hand is only slightly turned.
Im honestly ready to believe the zelda team just isnt ready to tackle reintroducing the tri force in a new way. It works much more easily in games where your imagination fills in a lot of the blanks, but you never really see it do anything and its sort of mysterious. So i think they just wanna wait until they think of something really good to do with it.
Honestly I agree, I think it was hidden and intentionally forgotten to prevent it falling into the wrong hands. Though, I'm personally a proponent of the theory that it's in Zelda herself and is manifesting as her sealing, light and time powers, but that it's just been so long since the triforce has been a physical object that hyrule and the royal family have fully forgotten the source of these powers. Alternate theory: the secret stones are triforce shards. Discuss
Maybe three Zonai (or anyone really) were selected to hide away the pieces of the Triforce to protect it and they did so by swallowing the pieces and turning into three dragons: Naydra, Farosh and Dinraal. Mineru didn't lie about how you shouldn't reverse dragonfication, she was merely restating what had been told to her through generations to deter anyone from trying to reach the Triforce. In this sense, the Triforce could be in plain sight and unreachable AND lost from memory (dragons lose their sense of self after all).
I have a theory that the Triforce was split apart and turned into the three dragons. Each dragon has a name that is similar to the three golden goddesses, they guard three springs of power wisdom and courage, and it would be the perfect way to keep it out of the hands of evil. Also, who would think to look for three dragons that are just flying around the world?
My only issue with the Triforce being “purposefully forgotten” is the Sheikah. They closely guard and keep track of every story, prophecy and legend. It’s their duty to keep these records closely guarded and under wraps but I doubt they’re the kinds themselves to just up and forget. A chance are they were ordered to not tell future generations of the Royal Family and others after the multiple times the Triforce had been acknowledged throughout history and targeted whether through evil plot or wars. But that’s just my grain of salt and nothing more.
I think lore wise the triforce fading into obscurity for its protection is logical and is consistent with theories that Raru's hyrule is a new one after a collapse of the kingdom, possibly related to the struggle for the triforce.
I’m hoping that within TOTK’s DLC will go mor in-depth about the dragons along with something possibly linking them to the Triforce!
I think somebody used the Triforce to erase all knowledge of the Triforce. It would prevent people from fighting over the Triforce without having to destroy it like Lorule did. The three triangles are now seen as symbols of the Three Golden Goddess, and a symbol of the royal family.
Well, since fragments of Hylia still exist despite reincarnating into the first Zelda, maybe Hylia just threw it further into the sacred realm than feasibly reachable, and people just forgot about it because nobody could get to it for so long.
12:50 My theory based of this part of the video is that it was used to unify the timelines for unknown reasons, then hidden away and passed into legend and that's why we have all these references also no one has any passed down tales of the previous events expect the war 10,000yrs ago. and possible when it was used they may have erased everyone in hyrules memories, thus rebooting the timeline and that's why rauru reestablishes the kingdom of hyrule.
The image of the triforce also briefly appears in the energy of Rauru’s attack on the Molduga swarm.
In my headcanon, it is theoretically still in the Silent Realm of the Sky Keep most likely Portaled from underneath the mother Goddess Statue, it would also explain why she gives you the Goddess Sword, because no hero was needed to claim it since Demise was prematurely eradicated.
06:19 Bear in mind that Rauru and Sonia were not dead when Mineru conveyed this... And take also note that they are operating through link as a medium for their power...