
thank you for talking about things like this.  No one else ever does.


So I quickly googled and they did a study about this - apparently it has different effects on different ethnic backgrounds and also depends on the source of the caffeine. High consumption of caffeine elevated the levels of estrogen in some but decreased the levels in others. Very interesting!


My doctor found that my painful periods were caused by endometriosis, so the endometrial lining is growing & trying to shed all over outside of my uterus instead of inside my uterus. She also recommended cutting caffeine out & dairy interestingly enough. It has helped a lot, & its sorta helped the migraines i get too.


God bless you. Thanks for sharing this very important message for young ladies.


I wish I had know this when I was in my 20’s & 30’s. I had terrible pain. Thank you for sharing this. I’d love to know the other life style changes you made.


Please share the other changes you made too!


I didn't know that and I suffer from extreme painful periods and looove coffee, but watching your video now I now this is another good reason to drink as less posible coffee as I can from now on. Thank you for sharing.


That level of period pain can be symptomatic of endometriosis.


Thank you for talking about this, I never knew that could make a difference!


That’s fascinating. I suffer from chronic pain (fibromyalgia) with fatigue issues, and I find caffeine makes my pain killers more effective. I don’t have severe period pain though. It’s always interesting how substances affect different people and conditions.


Please do share the other lifestyle changes and rhank you!


Thank you, Lori, and also thanks to everyone sharing comments about what has helped them! This is an awesome little community 💪🥰


Not only that, but caffeine is a blood thinner as well. If you drink it during your period, brace yourself for it to be prolonged.


I had no idea caffeine could effect your cycle this way.  Thank you for sharing your experience Lori.  I may personally want to get off the caffeine myself… 😢


I'd love another video with the other changes you've made 😊


Hello Lovely Lori, thank you for sharing this subject as I've never been told this before. You sharing this has opened my eyes as I had Endometriosis from 16years  thoughout my adulthood and later life. I have always had similar excruciating periods since the age of 16. Unfortunately I have been a heavy strong coffee drinker throughout and was never made aware that caffeine would increase my estrogen which made the periods endo worse. Thankfully over the last two years I have go over to decafe which has been easier on my body, being caffine free. Thank you so much for this. You are so inspiring. May your day be truly blessed. Sending much Love n big hugss🩷🩷🩷🙏🫂 xxxx


Your video was truly very good advice! 

I also drink no caffeine three to two days prior to my period. I realized caffeine during my period increases the pain and fatigue so I skip it during those times. I usually drink turmeric latte during that time. My pain has significantly decreased since I decreased my caffeine intake during my period. I also drink way more water now (at least 2L a day and 2,5L in the week leading up to my period)


I've sat in college classes through EXCRUCIATING pain. Literally sweating while trying to stay still / seem normal, because I could not miss attending a fucking class. The things us women put up with...


I wondered why I’ve felt better not drinking caffeine. I drink mostly tea now. I don’t get as anxious, I don’t get so sped up I’m tired. It’s just better….occasionally I’ll drink an iced coffee but that’s like 3 times in 6 months. I agree decaf is where it’s at!


I’ve experienced the same issue as well! I would vomit, faint, and have diarrhea at the same time first day of my period. My husband and I have a whole process on what to do when I get my period which includes alcohol pads to breathe, hair ties, towels etc. I had a recent fibroid that was removed and ever since haven’t had a painful period since knocking on wood