
Game Eggman with his ai child: Up there with Dr Doofenshmirtz.

Archie Eggman with his robot children: Up there with Fire Lord Ozai.


There is one more thing that defines this Eggman as the worst. He programmed his robots to be afraid. Espio asked what's the point of that move? The answer was simple - Eggman just enjoys when his minions fear him, even if that's not productive.


I find it a little to funny that we go from Archie's version of Robotnik being the typical kids show bad guy. To Robo-Robotnik/Eggman whos just like, "Yes, I'm gonna use the Roboticizer to Nuke every technologically advanced civilization on the planet instantaneously. What ya gonna do about it?". 

Like, DAMN, Eggman would make PALPATINE look good.


IDW Eggman: Close to the games, surprisingly somewhat respectable. 

Archie Eggman: Would be immediatly be tried and executed for war crimes if anyone other than Sonic captures him


I like how it goes from editing mail and lacing food to literal mass lobotomy and destroying the multiverse


The Metal Virus originally being for the Archie run makes SO much sense now...


Robotnik called Rotter fat

Eggman reset the universe on two separate occasions, killed millions, replaced his nephew with a robot while the real one rot to death in a pod, betrayed multiple monarches, and enslave an estimated infinity number of people seeing how the multiverse exists and did it all for FUN!!!!!! 
Let me repeat that 


This was Eggman at his most horrifying and god do i miss it. I miss the Archie Sonic verse so much. 

Such a shame it was cut short like it was. Decades of build up, hustory and characters all wiped out.


1:56 this scaled so up so easily


15:56 In Archie and Sega's defense with this one, Penders wasn't the only guy who tried to pull a lawsuit on them for characters they made. 

Scott Fulop, who made Mammoth Mogul, Merlin Prower, most of the Destructix, etc, tried to do this too (being outright inspired by Penders). Unlike Penders however, he did lose.

So at that point it was easier to just axe everyone's original characters, even those of the returning creatives like Flynn, Stanley, Baker, etc.


Bro how the fuck can someone go from fat shaming a walrus and tampering with peoples mails all the way to destroying a multiverse 😭


My favorite interpretation of the difference between the names "Robotnik" and "Eggman" is that Robotnik is his official name, and the one he uses for his more legal businesses. Where as Eggman is the pseudonym he uses for his criminal empires and illegal businesses. "The Eggman" being more like a nickname you would refer to the mob boss as.


Bro makes Game Eggman look like an anti villain in comparison.


“Ok so we have a goofy fat ball of cartoon evil scientist whose main goal in life is to beat a fast hedgehog. What wacky hijinks should he get up to?”

“Make him kill his daughter”


Ironically, the Super Genesis Wave wiped out the majority of Robotnik/Robo-Robotnik's cred. His takeover of the world with most of his minions trying to keep hold after his death and folding into Robo-Robotnik's army? Gone. All the deaths he caused in the Egg Grapes? Gone. The majority of his actions post issue 200, Knothole being destroyed, Dark Egg Legion, blowing up Antoine and leaving him in a coma, Mecha Sally, abd nuking his old home and coming to the Prime universe all because he got bored with victory over his Sonic and wanted to fill the power vacuum? It's all lost to the void. New 252 Eggman has an empire, but it's far lesser than Robo-Robotnik Eggman's, and nowhere near the grip he had on the world... Archie Eggman was truly something that could not be replicated...


Omg yes! Ive been saying for YEARS that Archie Eggman is the most evil character in the entirety of Sonic history and easily the most menancing version of the character, bar none. 

Him killing everyone on his mobius (essentially finally winning) and then traveling to the prime zone just out of sheer boredom cemented that for me😂


Dude was just SatAM Robotnik with the Modern Eggman look.


It's crazy to think about, but he broke Bunny so badly that she was willing to dismember herself for some strength.


The trying to date a minor was not something i was expecting lol


Honestly Archie Eggman had moments that would probably even make SATAM Robotnik wince.