this is the best application of eMTB that I've ever seen, so happy it allows you to ride with your dad. That is so special.
This whole episode should be used as an advertisement for E-Bikes! It's so special that you get to share this with your dad and I loved seeing his glory day photos. What a stud, and I love his take about E-Bikes: "More people are getting out, and if more people are riding any kind of bike it's better than no bike."
Never knew all that about your Dad!! He rocks! I'm 66 myself and hope I can be in equally good shape at 72.
I live in NZ and will be 71 this month. Bought an Ebike when I retired at 68. Did 6000km on it and got reasonably fit, as well as losing 9 Kg. Bought a MTB and did 4000km on it. When I turned 70 I shouted myself a Specialised gravel Bike. Regularly do 30km each ride every day I can ride due to weather. That can be every day of the week in spring, summer and autumn. Average speed hovers around 25kmh on easy going and 20kmh on trails. The trails I ride on are way smoother than the ones I see you ride. Its the best activity I have ever undertaken to stave off old age.
Dad is an Absolute Legend thank you for sharing a little about him.
love that your pops is repping the fernie brewery. I have the same sweater.
Gosh I miss my Dad who passed away. He would have loved to ride an ebike like that. Enjoy these times❤
I’m your dad’s age and tried several e mountain bikes a few years ago; bought one 2 years ago; has been a game changer for my mountain bike rides; I’m guessing the smile on your dad’s face was as large as mine!
I'm 72 and I am on my 4 th e-bike. Right now I ride a Santa Cruz Heckler SL for trail rides and Mondraker Level super Enduro for the big rides. One bit of advice for all the e-bike are missing out!
We bought this same bike for my wife for the exact same reason, to be able to ride with our daughters who do training rides. Full ebikes were just too much weight/power/size and not enjoyable. This bike is astoundingly fun to ride. Just enough power to support, but light enough to easily manage on the trail. Enjoy!
I’m 65 and I really like downhill runs on my ebike ! I ride with lots of foam padded shorts and chest protector, knee and elbows. Inexpensive insurance in case of a fall. Seriously! Buy pads dad 😎👍🇺🇸
What a beautiful family!!!
What an inspiring and at the same time warm video. Bravo to your dad, I know exactly how it is. At the age of 60 I bought an eMTB, got on it and... suddenly I was 25 again! I could ride through fields and forests like crazy. What a wonderful feeling after more than 30 years of not riding. My promising career was interrupted by a careless driver and after a few months in hospital and a year of convalescence I didn't dare to get on a bike for 30 years. And now... "any kind of bike is better than no bike" as your dad said. He's a very wise dad, listen carefully when he speaks. Thank you for the clip I wish you all the best
This was one of your most delightful videos. Just to see the joy you all experienced being able to ride together because the e-bike made a difference for your Dad. I'm 73. I first got my eMTB when I turned 65, and it enabled me to keep up with my son and our friends. I generally ride in the lowest power mode. It has meant that I ride more often and I ride further. I still get a great workout and I actually think my mountain biking skills have improved. My aim is to keep mountain biking well into my 80s. The happiness the new e-bike brought was evident across your whole family. Goodonya.
Ebikes change lives❤
This video made me really happy. My dad is an absolute monster right now whose whole world is biking and skiing, but time spares no one and I have been worried about what will happen when he gets older. This gives me a lot of hope.
seems everyone is an e-bike hater until u ride one then you have a big ass smile on ur face
Congrats to your Dad! I'm 71 and had my Fazua-powered ebike (Pivot Shuttle SL) just over a year. I got it so I could continue to ride with my younger/faster riding buddies, and it's been perfect for that. I still get a great workout, I'm just faster. And it's wonderful to be able to ride with my 34-year-old daughter, so she doesn't always have to wait for me. I hope you enjoy having your new training partner!
Outstanding, Trek powerfly 4 here.