Reminds me of the US Postal Service accidently printing an image of the Las Vegas Statue of Liberty on a stamp instead of the NYC one.
Best editing in the game
I used to work at a hotel near the Anaheim Disney Resort Area. Families always came in exhausted and angry and at their wits end.
“Masculinity is not in Andrew Tate so it must exist elsewhere.”
Me and all my postmodern friends used to love hanging out and smoking in parking lots. Our teachers told us we were “loitering” but we knew that nothing they did was real anyway. Little did we know we were smoking to preserve their reality. We wanted to be useful to them even though we knew what they were doing was absolutely useless.
hyperreality has to be one of the most widely misunderstood ideas tbh. usually what gets called hyperreality is just things people think are like REALLY FAKE or synthetic and plastic, but it's more the things which directly stand in opposition to 'the fake', like reality tv, news networks, opinion polls, nature documentaries, vlogging, autofiction — the demand to 'be real', unfiltered, unmediated... to represent the truth of reality from a position of nowhere. this is why baudrillard always likes to contrast the hyperreal with what he calls illusion, ritual, performance etc ie things which do not conceal their unreality and in fact accentuate it, but nevertheless seem to have the most 'real effects'. hyperreality is totally complicit with this idea that reality needs defending, and it's this unbridled pursuit of the real that ends up doubling/cloning it (which u can read psychoanalytically: through the neurotic obsession of accessing the real/reality, the hyperreal emerges as it's simulation to satiate this obsession)
Nagarjuna: "It is deluded to conceive of this mirage-like world as either existent or non-existent. In delusion there is no liberation"
"because True Art is not being produced or shown in The Institutions, it must actually exist in The Underground"
I went to Disneyland once and I was actually shocked by how normal everyone's energy was, like gift shopping at the mall at Christmas. No one seemed to be at the happiest place on Earth but the actors, whose acting is emphasized in their title as "cast member." My theory is not that Disneyland is actually any good and no one really enjoys it; but people -- homo sapien -- wants their share of anything exclusive. They work hard, they're miserable, bored, and there's this idea that an elite vacation place exists that is somewhat exclusive, many never get to go, and so people want their share, they are edified to get their share, even if once there and partaking of it, it's actually extremely mid. Seriously, I didn't see anyone smile or laugh for long stretches of time. People very much seemed as disconnected and zombiefied as if they were watching television or tiktok.
Another dope video. Real clear execution and explanation. Wish you went a bit longer into more examples, but otherwise definitely another great addition. Idk if you've got it in you but I'd love to see some content that shows avenues in which we can act against this phenomenon or if that's even possible. Is it just making people aware of it all we can do or are there active ways we can fight against the phenomenon within media. Like is the matrix movie helping or just reinforcing the simulated real by making us feel as tho, like sport, we are accomplishing some goal and satiating the drive instead of it going into real useful steps towards a future outside of this paradigm. If there is ever going to be a real future again.
The Neuschwanstein Castle is already fake and mostly an empty shell! Inspired by medieval castles it was built in the late nineteenth century on the neo-romantic initiative of Bavaria's crazy King Ludwig II. He loved wasting all the state's budget on building useless castles. In order to restore past glory that never had been in the first place. Guess he wanted to make Bavaria (a german dwarf state) great again.There is also an almost perfect 1:1 replica of the gigantic Versailles castle somewhere in Bavaria. When they finally managed to take away Ludwig's access to the state's money he became very depressed and drowned himself in one of his lakes. Just walked straight into the water dressed up in his full royal ceremonial gear.
just love that something with 'Baudrillard' in the title has 10k views in 1 day - keep up the gr8 work 🏰
One of the best channels on the YT about theory. Helps me feel more sane.
I don’t know if this exactly fits the idea at the end of the video, but one thing I thought of is how people perceive a distinction between a celebrity as a “brand” and a real person. I think this applies to all celebrities but one example where this is evident is Taylor Swift. Fans acknowledge the idea of such a distinction which actually serves to create a deeper feeling of connection to the “real” Taylor Swift. That feeling of “real” connection then allows the Taylor Swift brand to do things like sell precise re-recordings of music. “Because music is not in brands/record labels/corporations, it must be in the individuals signed to record labels.”
Thank you so much for this video. I'm exactly who you were targeting with this video. Kept messing stuff like this up and this clarified it for me. You are insanely good at explaining stuff. Would love to see a YouTube series on accelerationism. Going over Nick Land, Mark Fisher, Jean Baudrillard, and D&G. Explaining all their approaches to it. You've done a little bit of this with the video on Deleuze and deterritorialization. Maybe a Plastic Pills & Epoch Philosophy collab? Been trying to wrap my head around all of it myself, and honestly not someone who has any editing skills currently. Would honestly be amazing to see though.
I've been to Disney World twice. The first time was our Honeymoon, and it was a beautiful experience. But the second visit, I didn't have the magic of new love to color the experience, and it was bleak. It was hot, crowded, miserable, and it's a deliberately crafted bubble universe designed to separate you from your money. Haven't been back.
"Because there is no truth in philosophy, it must be in religion" . This is your masterpiece ! Bravo
"Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real" - french Walt Disney aka Baudrillard
"Everyday life in the global north is so boring and alienating, but true human sociality still exists in global south tourist destinations, where restaurants offer you free desert after you pay the bill. They are not workaholics like us over there. They take it slow and enjoy the good things in life."