There’s 10 guns that don’t have a reactive and we get another R99 skin, they’re doing everything in their power to prevent the alternator from getting anything.
That R-99 reactive skin with those iron sights should be considered a crime against humanity
Should've been a reactive that hasn't been done before over the R9 getting the second one
The R-99 skins are cool but I don't see why anyone would use them over the S7 ones
Man I was hoping for a reactive sentinel this season
The song is "No More - Full" by Stephen Green for those wondering :)
00:36 "note: goes brrrr"
That R99 looks like epic quality event skin
I love how these videos always show enemies going down in 2 shots but I unload 2 full clips into someone in game and they survive
Where is our p2020 or Mozambique at level 100 and 110?💀
Another R99 reactive…? That’s an odd choice for sure.
The R99 iron sight...
Lastimosa Armory? I need my pills
The r99 reactive has the same iron sight as one of the crafted for 1200 crafting materials. Should have gotten the p2020 and mozan over with already could have been a cool mozan skin with this reactive skin
R-99: gets 2nd reactive set Flatline: gets 3rd reactive Mozambique: cries in the corner
Did we forget that other weapons need reactive skins?
These skins look like wrapping paper for Christmas presents.
Nah we got ANOTHER r9 reactive skin before a reactive p2020, re 45, nemesis, kraber, bow, repeater,L STAR, sentinel AND OF COURSE THE MOZAMBIQUE
Cool to see Lastimosa's name still doing something in the universe again.