My knees hurt just watching this.
This is the first time I think, Ed was outdone 😂
These moves are flawless
Gorgeous! Good for you for picking up these dances so quickly !
favorite DANCE move ❌ favorite WORKOUT move ✅
Im polish and did around 8 years of traditional dancing and its fun to see how similar yet different our dances are!
The last one is mesmerising. How can you just move so swiftly
Як українцю мені приємно бачити національний танець
As a Ukrainian dancer myself, it just makes me feel good to show the world what our dancing is like even if you don’t like it. My knees hurt
I can't believe his sandals didn't fly off! 😂
If anyone is interested, many movements of the Ukrainian folk dance come from the military training of the Cossacks) So technically they are quite complex, but the mood should be fun and light☺️
I’m seriously impressed you managed to replicate them so well so fast
As a certified Ukrainian dancer, all these moves are valid and the music❤️🩹🇺🇦
I love how the smile on this mans face never fades
The dancers are so graceful!! ❤
Wow, I never end to find inspiration to ballet moves in Eastern Europe traditional dances. ❤
I love this guy and his content. He literally brightens up the surroundings ❤
Hi from Ukraine!
Povzuntes finally had you sweating my guy 😄 joking aside, I really appreciate your work, if I may call it so, hahaha, it’s really nice getting to see all the different dance moves from around the world 👍 keep it up 🙌🙌