
So shame that 60 minutes Australia accepted her narrative without proper fact checking. This way you are promoting con artist, a grifter and a mvrderer making money of her crime, with PR team that want to make an influencer of her. Why do we need idolize this kind people? To what will she influence young people? 
There is so much evidence by now that her story was made up for the sake of defense, if you only did the factchecking needed. So disappointing that you are helping her in her grift. Even Kardashian ghosted her, for good reason, probably looked into it better.


Shame on you for not researching this person and giving her a platform and more money to spread lies


She’s NOT famous , she’s infamous


This is absolutely disgusting 60 minutes Australia. The trust and respect I had for your channel has gone. As a huge network/channel you should be doing your due diligence and undertaking more than just a superficial investigation into this case. I am disappointed and appalled by the way this programme has been presented and the way this convicted unaliver has been incorrectly portrayed to her benefit. I have now unsubscribed to your ‘complete farce’ of a channel - 60 minutes Australia.


The lack of investigation done by this team on this case is dreadful. If anyone wants actual facts-dont bother watching/listening to this.


Did anyone even look at court records ? Texts ? Videos ? Medical records ? I’m shocked how manipulated you both were


Why is it so important for you (chanel) to keep a narrative thats not true?




Deleting comments doesn't change the fact that you are misinformed 60 Minutes


She has told a lot of lies 60 minutes and you are still perpetuating them.


she was not perfectly healthy!!!! she was sick. she did not have everything that was claimed , however, she was not a healthy child. she had alot of problems


No one ever mentions the autistic man who she convinced to murder her mother. She has a new wonderful  chance at life. He, on the other hand, will spend the rest of his life in jail. Was he not manipulated like her mother manipulated her? She is obviously a very intelligent person. He has autism and was desperate for love and companionship. Don't get me wrong. He has no business being in society, but she is not an innocent angel by any means.


For a country lacking in domestic and family violence services it seems wrong to even give platform to such a story and make murder seem okay regardless of circumstances.


Terrible commentary  from...... journalists?


I don’t feel bad for her, this world is guilty of glorifying her, this story that everyone is repeating is a clean washed version of what really happened, if you dig you find much more, start with becca scoops.


Amelia, you should be ashamed with yourself to call what you have done with this strory investigative journalism!


It's very disappointing you are still helping to spread her lies


I look forward to the day media outlets hold Gypsy Rose accountable and shed more light on her co-defendant, Nicholas. He deserves justice.


Well this was not good journalism that’s for sure !!! So disappointing will not be watching again goes to show that you want to glorify a mummy killer, some real research would of been better


Most sociopaths and narcissists are VERY CHARMING and liable! Yall are so wild for giving get a platform and not RESEARCHing first. She is a sick and demented person who needs to be behind bars, NOT ON TV