
He's right. People should be running from the type of man he played in this film.


I think he forgot to mention "immature", "narcissistic", and "cruel".


He was brilliant in this movie.


His eyes are so nice.


He plays this wholly terrible character SO WELL, amazing job young man!


He's so adorable 🥰


He was hilarious in this movie! Spot on


You and her are made for each other in Anora and future sequels


I think its funny how many comments there are that prove what a good actor he is. People think he is just like his character in real life. Like obviously he's acting... he's an actor. I don't Sean would've hired him if he wasn't respectful to everyone on set. 
And the cast and crew have only said the sweetest things about him


And twicely


Its his adorable persona that lent ivan a depth, he was so convincing..anora and ivan will stay forever in my heart❤❤❤


I really wish the movie would have dove more into his family’s backstory while they were looking for him. It just would have added depth and resolved the mystery that was always around him


His character was wild.  😂😂😂


He's the best choice for live action transilvania.


Наш Марк! Потрясающий! ❤


He is so cute


He has such an innocent, naive, playful quality.


hes so cute wtf


I mean those are definitely nicer words than the ones I thought about


-It's a.... "Recalls his knowledge of English" run!