
Hey geekbros, thanks for watching! Please let me know if you enjoyed this video and what other kind of Yu Gi Oh content you might want to see. You can also follow me on twitter if you'd like: https://twitter.com/drpoplove


found this through steam, actually very helpful for breaking down stuff quickly, as an mtg player yugiohs tiny wall o text is just a headbash, and there is some helpful ways of looking at things, dropping conditions and summons, very helpful, tyvm for the video.


Thanks man you motivate me keep playing yugioh again someone summon billion of cards in one turn


So weird you just started uploading videos again in the last week. Your editing and presentation are amazing for someone who took such a long break!


We need a video that explains what Pot of Greed does ... too much text on that card..


I searched for this


Blue Eyes White Dragon? No. Rainbow Wings White Blob 😌👌


Now I just need a video on how to not get 1-2 turn shadowrealmed


ran into your channel from the Steam Feature.


Lmao, great vid bro


i'm sorry but.. "knight mar-e"??


Herald of U. effect simplified : No

ZEUS effect simplified: Find cover




That's ab the only thing about yugi I would change as a new player. Dumb down the description on cards.  Lol


Weren't you making FIFA videos?