
Favourite Mystery in TOTK? 👀


The Dragonhead isles apparently used to sit where Flora river is now, its a 1:1 fit; the dragon islands curves fit the rivers curves, also the dragon head is looking towards the north, the same way floria river turns into waterfalls north.
All this is particularly visible when flipping between sky and ground map. 
They dont overlap, probably because the sky islands drifted away from their original position overtime, but their shape is unmistakeable.


Slight problem i have with the GSI being Skyloft is the slight fact that the GSI was only raised after the founding of Rauru's Hyrule


I really love Dragonhead Island. Not only because on my first playthrough I randomly dropped into the main building from above and started the Mineru quest before even dispelling the storm. My personal theory is that the ruined building is Mineru's home and workshop that we see in the memories. It would mean the it was either always up there or also send to the sky after she entered the Purah Pad but we never really see where exactly her workshop is. The vibe and shape actually fits. I also love the calm music on that part of the island.


My stupid little fantasy is that those little buildings on the sky islands were mini classrooms where the Constructs taught Zonai children


My theory about the spherical island is that it’s an astral observatory akin to the one under Hyrule Castle


The zen garden motifs (specifically the sandy floor with a rippling pattern) are also present in Shrines of Light and Lightroots, which I think is really cool!


A common idea I’m seeing amongst Zelda-tubers is the idea that the era of Hyrule’s founding seen in TOTK is set before most other Zelda games. Like here, the idea that the Zonai founded Hyrule close to the time of Skyward Sword. I don’t think this is the case. To me, the implication seems to be that BotW/TotK is so far in the future of the other Zelda games that even its Hyrule’s founding takes place after all the other Zelda games. Multiple Hyrules have been and gone across the millennia, and the Zonai-founded Hyrule is just the most recent. 

This explanation means that there was no retconning of the history, no multiple Ganondorfs, no reason we should have seen Zonai in earlier games.


11:00 I believe initially that was supposed to be a reference to Skyward Sword, although if you talk to Shanae in this game, she is very happy when Link tells her she was right.


I hope whatever DLC content we get is huge and is able to expand on the sky islands and even things in the depths.


Another note on the dry gardens: the interior of the Rauru's Blessing shrines looks exactly like a dry garden


I like the idea that the people of Skyloft who stayed evolved into the Zonai.


Those smallish structures are 100% some type of minor shrine. The torii gate entrance and the small altar at the back are unmistakable features; the resemblance to a Zen garden just adds weight. They were probably spaces in which to meditate and make offerings to the divinities of Hyrule.


The sun and moon balls reminded me of the astronomical calendar from Avatar the Last Airbender. My thought is they're an equal mix calendar/observatory.


I suspect Thunderhead Isles and Dragonhead Island were Mineru's personal fiefdom. Considering her association with Constructs and their factory.


There are a few things I simply took as a given: the little shrines on the sky islands were, in fact, shrines, places of worship, the sandy ground with ripples definitely references zen gardens, and the spinning spheres were observatories.


Despite seeing a Zonai, we never actually find out too much about them. So many mysteries about them


The spheres are more than meets the eye, huh?



An interesting detail that everyone has seen but might not have thought about, is that Zonai built structures can literally fuse with the ground, rocks, and other structures.

It is shown even with the same fusion marks that Link's arm has after Rauru fused his arm to him.

I assume that since most of Link's fusions and sticking stuff together is intended to be temporary we see the Zonai glue effect. But apparently there's a more permanent form of fusion.


Maybe the ruins surrounding the wind temple is the palace of winds for the minish cap? They share similar architecture and the first half of the palace of winds has you platforming around in platforms similar to totk’s wind temple aproach.